Chp 10: Suspicions Confirmed

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Rose's POV

"Hello?" I say picking up the phone. "Hey, Jon! It's been quite some time since we've talked. How are things?" a feminine voice chirped on the other line. "I'm sorry, who is this? You sound familiar..." Wait, no you don't! Why did I say that! "Remember me? Laura? We used to talk a lot before moved into the states." Sorry, I don't know you. "Oh, Laura! Now I remember! So how's life been treating you?" WHAT AM I SAYING! "Thing have been pretty good. The beach down here in LA are amazing! And I've been hearing that your life had taken off with YouTube." I laugh happily. "Yeah, so many amazing things have happened. The Runaway Guys got huge! I'm going to PAX every year. Life's been great. How the singing and acting career going?" She started laughing. "Oh wonderful! I've done a few commercials. And met a few others and we started a band! Done some gigs here and there, but not really been discovered." I smiled. Can anyone explain to me what's going on? "I haven't heard you in a while," Or at all for that matter..., "but I know you've got the talent to get a record deal. I'm still surprised I haven't gotten to hear your 1st album or watched your latest appearance on TV." She sighed.

"Jon..." Did I just offend her somehow? "...How do you always know how to make a girl happy, yet still have no girlfriend?" We started to laugh together. "Hey! How do you know if I have one or not!" I questioned, trying to sound offended, but failing. "Oh my gosh! I know why your so offended! Please don't tell me, that you've finally gone gay on me." I stayed silent, just to mess with her. "OMG REALLY!?" She screamed, possibly bursting my right ear drum. Everyone close by turned around and looked at me laughing my head off. She was just on the phone, asking me to 'tell her the deets'. When I could finally breath, I said "I'm just kidding! But, some people online think I have a bromance with Emile with the way we act on camera." She and I continued laughing. "Who's Emile?" Jon never told her I guess. I explained to her about TheRunawayGuys, who Emile and Tim are, and just talked on about random things.

"Laura! I think we should be going soon!" I heard someone yell faintly through the phone. "Ok hold on!" she yelled back. "Sorry Jon, I have a band rehearsal to go to. But it was nice to talk to you again!" "Same goes for you! Hope we get to see each other soon. And maybe, I could even hear you sing again." Giggling at my response, she says "Oh defiantly. I'll try and go to that PAX thing the next time it comes around. Well, bye!" "Bye!" I say hanging up the phone. How did I pull that off with the random things I just spouted out? I never really said any of that, it just came out, like I actually knew who she was. I'll have to tell The guys later, cause that was all kinds of weird.

Jon's POV

Ok, what was that? I just had a conversation with Laura again. I'm not complaining, but I know I wasn't the one actually talking. She thought it was me, but somehow I was speaking for Rose. I really want to hear her sing again, I said she was really good, and I wasn't lying. That girl has got pipes! That's not happening though, cuz Rose will hear it. I sigh and get up to walk out of class.

As I was halfway down the hall, I realized something. How was I able to speak for Rose? It might be something that comes with the switching bodies.. but it still makes no sense! My guess though is that she noticed that she wasn't staying those things. We can Skype tonight I guess and see how she reacted. "Hurry on to class now!" My homeroom teacher, Mrs. Cazzola, said to the people still roaming the halls. I started speed walking, trying to find the answers I craved to know.

Resse's POV

I walked back to the recording room, and thankfully, no one else was there. I sat down and thought about the situation at hand. I don't get why he couldn't tell me. I know that I was being way to bold and straight forward, but you've gotta give me a break! He's a really good friend and we tell each other everything. It gets so weird sometimes how much we care for each other. He's like the brother I never had, and he just seems so different. He said that he was fine and he wasn't hiding anything, lie.

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