Chp 13: Spy

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Rose's POV

It's now that month again, July! I can't wait for my birthday this year! Having a birthday on the 4th is a pretty cool thing, but I just want to do something fun!

Just one thing I'm trying to figure out is how it's getting harder to switch body's. Like, I sometimes can't go back to my own for the day. It's not that big of a problem right now. I can still speak in between Jon and I, so it still works. Just a few months till PAX Prime, so I can wait.

"Rose! Come on, we're going now!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Coming!" Oh, did I forget to mention the Spy Museum? I'm going today, because they're closed on the 4th. I'm doing this thing, were we get to pretend we are spy's. It sounds so cool! (If u haven't done that up in DC, GO DO IT! It's so fun!)

Grabbing my 3DS, and my ear buds, I jump in the car. Out of no where though, Julie and Britt jump out from the back of the car, scaring the living hell out of me. "We are joining you on your quest madam." Britt tried saying while laughing. Catching my breath, I finally said thank you to my mom. For the ride, we mostly just talked.

~~~~~~~~At The Museum~~~~~~~~

"Come on, we have to hurry, they'll be back in any minute." the 'secret agent' said to us quietly. We are all in a small office, with a locked case. Most of us are trying to find the key, while my new friend Alexis, Julie, Britt, and I, tried to figure out the combination. We had gotten some information on the man who's office we're in. I pulled it out again, looking at the many things it could be. We've tied his birthday, his office number, and just about every number on here.

Yo, Jon. Wanna give this a shot? I ask in my head. No answer. Um, Jon? Still no answer. Well, can't worry about it now. He's probably asleep like a lazy mother trucker. Might as well try and figure it out myself. Then I find something on the document. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm gonna still try it.

"Let me try something." Alexis moves to let me through. Pulling out my phone just to make sure, I look at my key pad.

22 26 00

"Access Granted"

Rang out throughout the room. Everyone turned into my direction, and smiled. I opened it to find, a envelope?

Faintly hearing a man's voice outside, the secret agent put her ear on the door. "Hurry! Close the case and let's get out of here through the secret tunnel!" we did as she asked and got into the tunnel, where a 'escape vehicle' was waiting.

Once we did all that, we got back to the headquarters. I handed the real boss, Agent Summers, the document I found. "Perfect! Now let me see here... My goodness! They're planing to use the platinum and gold they have collected to make the Discharger!" We all gasp. Having been told the multiple possibilities, this was by far the worst one. "Let hurry and assemble a plan! Before it's to late!"

We had a full proof plan. Team A goes around the back, while Team B waits to be let in to hack the system. "Ok, cameras are off." Alexis said to us. We nodded, and went off to destroy the Discharger.

"Get back here!" The villain yelled as we ran from the distraction of the Discharger. "Go up to the top of the building. I have the helicopter waiting." Agent Summers said through the walkie talkie. Running up the stairs as fast as we can, while we can hear the villain right behind us. Everyone runs onto the big H at the top of the building. Up above us is the helicopter, waiting to take us. The secret agent comes up with the last of the people, and locks the door. "Curse you!" you can hear behind the door.

All the lights turned back on and everyone started talking about how cool it was. The floor shook, and started taking us back down to the first floor. "That was amazing!" Julie ecstatically said. "Definitely. I want to come back here again!" Britt said. "And you should totally come with us!" I said, looking over to Alexis. She smiled. "That would be great!" "Let's go girls!" My mom yelled from the car. "Coming!" I yelled, trying to find a pen. "Here you go, so we can keep in touch!" I handed Alexis a slip of paper, with my Skype and phone number. She looked at it, then back up at me. "Thanks! Nice meeting you and happy birthday!" I smiled and waved.

I tried turning on my phone, but it had died. "Crap" I muttered under my breath. "What happened?" Britt asked. "My phones just dead, and I'm trying to get in touch with Jon. We haven't been able to switch or talk." I explained. "Same, I wonder what's going on." "Me to."


DUN DUN DUUUUUN! But yay for chapters! Sorry about how bad I am at updating stuff, aha not my specialty is it. Like I always say, I'll try to get it out ASAP. And by the way, I might have exaggerated the spy museum experience a little bit, but it's a book so I DO WHAT I WANT. lol

What do YOU think is happening?

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