Chapter 20 (Last Chapter?)

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(Ze's POV - a few months have passed since their wedding)

Chilled and I had been talking about it for a while, and we finally had made up our minds. We were going to adopt a child.

We went to a nearby orphanage to adopt, and were greeted by a fairly stern receptionist. We signed all of the necessary forms (my hand almost falling off in the process), and we then went in to see the children. 

There were a lot of children there, probably close to 15 of them,  and this building wasn't very big, it was actually quite small. There was a small group of 5 who were all just sitting near each other. You could tell that they'd been here a long time. I immediately motioned to Chilled, and he understood exactly what I was thinking. We went over toward that group, where I noticed that there was a younger girl holding on to the hand of one of the children in the group. I hadn't noticed her before because she was shorter than the other kids in that group (who were all older than her), and she was trying to hide behind one of them, who I only could assume was her sister.

I also hadn't noticed, but one of the girls  seemed to look at us and fully know who we were, something I didn't expect. She was the girl that had her little sister trying to hide behind her, and when she finally fully understood who we were, she whispered to her sister, and her sister got this look in her eye. I couldn't really place it, but Chilled looked at her, looked at her older sister, and looked at me again, getting that exact look in his eye too.


(Amanda's POV)

I couldn't breathe. I could barely keep my cool.

ZEROYALCHAOS was looking to adopt! And they were at my orphanage!

They kept it pretty quiet on social media, but on a lot of their videos, you could see almost a glimmer of parental instincts come through on certain occasions. 

I made the realization that Chilled kept looking at Ze, looking at me, looking at Julia and then looking back at Ze. There was a lot of silence, no one really talked. Ze and Chilled kept mouthing words to each other, neither one saying any words out loud, but I did read their lips saying 'One or Two?' They went back in forth, with the rest of us not really focusing too much on what they were saying.


(Chilled's POV)

"Alright, can we have some space to think about this?" I said, talking to the headmistress. She nodded and led Ze and I to a small room off of the main room, and left us be to discuss.

"Are we set on only adopting one child?" was the first thing out of Ze's mouth. I shook my head, adding "I'm not, I think I know what you're thinking about." Ze just nodded back at me, and my brain flashed back to the two girls, the one that definitely knew who we were, and who I could only assume was her little sister.

The headmistress came back, asking who we were looking at adopting, and we replied with the two siblings, and she knew exactly who we meant.

She went to go get them, and whilst Ze was freaking out about this, I casually texted a group chat that I'd just made. I added Galm, Tom, Smarty, Christy, Delirious, Vanos, Ohm and Cayla. I wrote these few words

I know you're all looking to adopt at some point, and I think I've found the place you should go.


(Amanda's POV)

The headmistress came back, and told me that the couple wanted to adopt Julia and I. A part of me was super excited, but a part of me was also really sad. Julia and I started packing our bags, with Bel, Maddy, Jackson and Jamie helping us pack.

Once we were all packed, we said our goodbyes, most of them shedding at least a few tears, but I needed to stay strong for Julia. We waved goodbye to them, and walked through the door to the small room that neither of us had been in before.

I walked in to two very happy Derps, with their arms wide open, saying "Welcome home". As we ran into their arms, I finally felt like I was a part of a family, for the first time in many years.

And I was happy.


(Chilled's POV)

We all went home, Amanda and Julia piling into the back seat of our car. As I was driving home, we were almost going to go past an ice cream shop, when Ze nudged me, and gestured toward it. I rolled my eyes so only Ze could see it, but then drove into the parking lot for the ice cream shop, turning to the back seat, and saying, "Who wants ice cream?!" To which Amanda and Julia smiled, and we all went to get ice cream.

As soon as we had ice cream, we went home, and we showed Amanda and Julia their new rooms. We made dinner as a family together, watched a movie, and spent time together before we had Amanda and Julia go to bed so they could be ready for class.

Ze and I spent some time playing video games, before we ended up heading to bed. We cuddled together as we fell asleep, our small house now even more filled.


(Ze's POV)

I woke up. But this wasn't a dream. I woke up and was in my old room, by myself, the room I had been in all of that time. I looked at my fingers, and was surprised when there was nothing on them, no engagement ring, no wedding band. I got up groggily, shouting at the walls "CHILLED! AMANDA! JULIA!" but got no response. I searched through every room, when I finally realized

There was no one.

I was alone.

I walked back to my room, in shock. 'Was it all a dream?' I thought to myself. 'Did none of that really happen?' 'But it felt so real...'

Once I got back to my room, I realized that Skype was still open, the conversation that looked suspiciously unfamiliar, stuff that I don't remember typing but must have.

I sat down at my computer, and Skype almost immediately went off. I answered the call to see Galm, Smarty, Tom and Chilled, all in the homes they used to be in. Galm and Smarty weren't together, and I couldn't see Christy anywhere, and I was looking at Chilled's cam when Jess walked by through the background, waving at the camera because she knew it was on.

My heart sank. 'So it never really happened after all...' I thought to myself, becoming even sadder than before.

Chilled immediately asked me what was wrong, and all I could say was "Nothing, I just had a bad dream last night." 

But inside, I was saying much more.



The final chapter is among us?!?! Never stay on your guard when I'm writing, I do all sorts of crazy stuff ;). In all seriousness, thank you to everyone who's read commented and voted ton this story. This is my oldest story, and to think that it's finished is a very crazy thing indeed. This story was so much fun to write, and I'm sorry about this last chapter! I made it sad :(. Thank you to everyone who pushed me to write this story, all the way from one of the first friends I've ever had on Wattpad MissCayla8, all the way to Baby_Delirious for her newest addition to the OC family! You guys are awesome, thank you for all of the support!

Thanks for reading, and keep on being amazing! 


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