Alphy and me

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'Twas a dark night, the sky? Filled with stars... So I, Adam... wanted to prank Alphys of course! So I waited on her couch laying down and holding a rose in my mouth waiting for her arrival, yet curiouser and curiouser I grew, asking myself "hmmm... What's taking her so long?" And before I could even think of my options as to why she was so late home the door busted wide open! And in high hopes that it was Alphys I quickly said "So~ Dr.Alphy-" and soon realized it was in fact not Alphys but instead it was Mettaton and so I quickly rushed to put away all of the candles in hopes that Mettaton didn't see anything and alas that hope quickly became a dream... A dream left unaccomplished, for Mettaton said a burst of laughter "oh... I see what's going on here~" though I quickly replied with"I-it's not wh-what you're th-thinking!!!!!" And Mettaton said "oh I know exactly what's going on here~ you have a crush on little ol' alphy, darling!!!!" so I replied with a quick "no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no, I-I w-was trying t-to prank her!!!!!" so Mettaton replied"With candles and roses?~ I'm not that dumb, kid~" and that's when Alphys walked in and noticed me cleaning up all of the candles and Alphys said "I-I'll leave you two alone...(''O//-//O)" So I said "It's not what you're thinking!!!!" So I ran after her and grabbed her arm and accidentally tripped in result kissing her!!!!!!

Automatically after that kiss I fell in a burst of blush and how much I actually liked her and that how a little bit of me wanted the quote on quote"prank" to be taken seriously and how a little part of me could say that I was weeaboo scum and how much me and Alphys had in common and that was the only part of me that wasn't "little" and what that made me realise was that I was in fact in love with her and that was when she said "I-I-I..... Uhhhhhh..... Whaaaa....." And with that I said "I know.... Just.... Flabbergastering.... Isn't it.... Heh.... That wasn't funny.... I-I-I.... I think I might be able to explain what just happened... I-I think part of me thinks that wasn't an accident though.... I was just trying to prank you and part of me wanted you to take my prank seriously and that you'd actually date me after seeing me lying on your couch with a rose in my mouth and what let the prank blossom into a relationship and I think.... Well I think that I am in love with you!!!!" Alphys replies with a face covered in red embarrassed blush though most of the blush wasn't embarrassed but instead the blush of a girl that was charmed by my ways and thinks she just fell in love! The cute shy little lizard was so charmed she went for another kiss and instead smashed into my face and was super embarrassed but I was once again charmed and let these couple words spill out "ummm... Alphys.... You wanna maybe.... Y'know.... Go on a date some time?" "Sure! But what would we do on the date..." "Y'know... Dating stuff... Like... Umm... I don't know... Ah, whatever! Let's just play video games and watch anime!!!" Alphys suddenly got a lot more comfortable when I said that and replied with an "O.M.G. That was always what the perfect date sounded like to me!!!" So I said "Hey! You wanna sneak peek to my new anime that I'm making called white wolf academia!!!" So she quickly responded with an excited screech and saying "the sequel to hard rock academia!?!" And so I said "yup!!!" And we went to go watch it and Alphys after the first episode said "why was it so romantic instead of being dramatic it was so different from the first and-" "okay hold the phone... Now give the phone to me... It was romantic because I wanted to be oh so very subtle with it but it was also a confession of sorts... To you... That's why the character Mabel was designed after a human version of you!!!"and Alphys quickly responded with a face that looked quite like that this(O//_\\O) "well that's really quite charming of you!!!!"she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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