Chapter Six

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Three days later-

The Erendasa manor was considered 'neighbouring' to the Phantomhive's, according to country measurements, and was a light blue color. It was also smaller than the Phantomhive manor, according to what Darcy had informed me. I hadn't yet been to the Phantomhive estate.
I followed Kassie up the steps and into the front room of her home.
"Interesting." Along the walls of the manor were various shelves and display cases. I paused in front of one showing many deformed skulls of different animals. Kassie looked over her shoulder. "My uncle's. He... He is rather odd when it comes to what he collects. I guess it's good that we don't entertain guests often."
I cocked my brow, moving to stand beside her. "Your uncle's? I thought he lived in Germany and just recently moved back." Kassie looked down, moving her left shoulder in a shrugging motion.
"I told the truth. He had these .. items...delivered here after he heard of my father's death a few weeks ago."
'This is news to me.' Kassie resumed walking and I trailed behind her as we moved down the long halls. "Uncle Henrik is busy currently, so I thought you'd like to visit the library, seeing as you speak highly of books."
The contents of the shelves struck me as queer for just a history professor. Mutated skulls, jars of various sizes without labels, old medical equipment, and the like. One case even held nothing but teeth. Thousands.
"What was your father's name?" Kassie stared ahead, as if determined to ignore the displays.
"Lord John Whitcomb." I started so violently that I knocked my elbow against a shelf. "What?! The thallium poisoning victim was..." Kassie nodded and I scrambled after her.
"Kassie?" "The papers still gossip about nonsensical ideas about revenge or something like that. It's simply not true. My father had no enemies."
We reached two ornately carved oak doors. "We're here." She said, pushing them open.
I entered the spacious library and my jaw slackened. There were ceiling to floor shelves, all stuffed with volumes of books. Extra books were piled on the floor, on side tables, and on the edges of a mahogany desk.
"Feel free to look around, Uncle will find us when he's finished with his business partner."
I scanned the selections. History books. Art. Science. I paused by what appeared to be the religion section.
"Kassie, what about your mother, where is she?" I knelt down best i could in my formal, deep green evening dress. "Oh. Um. Mother is staying with friends, Father's death was extremely difficult for her."
My eyes narrowed as they fell on a small black book with a gilded, red symbol on it's spine. 'Oh how terribly interesting...'
"Kassie, your Uncle--"
"Ah, ladies! Here you are. I believe supper is nearly ready; let's all head down to the dining hall together, shall we?"
I studied Henrik Gustav, his grey eyes were friendly enough and his smile came readily. "Hello there, you must be Lady Brudenelle! It's a great pleasure. We haven't had guests in ages and it's become stuffy in here."
Kassie and I followed Henrik out of the library. "Indeed, the pleasure is all mine. You like to collect things, I take it? Many of these items are unique. I find them intriguing."
Henrik laughed. "An understatement. I adore collecting anything that strikes my fancy. I can't help it, I am a scholar after all."
The dinner was delicious, I had to admit, though perhaps the  soup was a bit rich for my tastes. I chewed my lip, swirling my spoon around in the steaming liquid. "Lady Brudenelle,are you alright?" Henrik prodded from across the table.
I glanced up, staring at him through my eyelashes. "Yes, I'm fine. Everything has been delightful." 'Ughamuffin. I guess there's no way around this or to do it politely.'
On Henrik's left hand, were a wedding band would normally be, was a golden ring. With the alchemical symbol for fire.
"Lady Brudenelle, you can't fool someone like me. There's something on your mind. I don't mean to overstep my bounds, but I would like to offer my assistance in any form you may have need of it."
"Your ring. Alchemy, Sir Gustav?" I blurted. 'Idiot! What are you doing?!' , an inner voice roared in panic. Henrik's eyes turned sad as he looked at the ring. "A gift. From my brother in law, Kassie's father, John Whitcomb. We were best friends until...until he died recently."
Kassie glared at me, giving me a look that clearly communicated that she didn't appreciate having the topic brought up before her uncle.
"I noticed in the library...a singular volume in black...with the same symbol." I stated, setting my spoon down. Henrik laughed. "Ah, I see." He stood and clasped his hands behind his back.
I anxiously watched him pace. Kassie stared at her hands; I couldn't see her expression.
"That volume was a gift from John himself. We belonged to the same chemistry club; one of many we frequented. Our family has a history of inquisitive minds."
"And..what is contained in that book?" I asked, tilting my chin up. "Go see for yourself, I have nothing to hide." Kassie jumped to her feet.
"You think he murdered my father, don't you?!" Henrik's face turned an ugly shade of red. "Kassie! Enough--"
The door opened and we three turned upon the Erendasa butler bearing a plain white envelope. "Pardon the intrusion. This came for you, Sir."
Gustav exhaled to calm his nerves and opened the offered envelope. I watched, curious. He turned and tossed the message into the flames of the fireplace. But not before I saw the seal.
The clock chimed, announcing the hour of 7.
I stared at Gustav, who stared at Kassie, who in turn was glaring at me. 'Now would be a good time for me to excuse myself. This is becoming awkward.'
"My Lady?" "What is it, Reynolds?" He snapped the reigns and the carriage lerched forward. "Why are you sitting up here? Shouldn't you be in the carriage where it's warmer?" I rolled my eyes. "Spare me, Reynolds, Spare me." 'I need to cool off. That message was important. I know it was. It had the same symbol of fire as his ring.'
"I suppose it's just as well as you left early." "Why say that?" "Church. They have church tomorrow; they've a new pastor coming to speak." "They do church?" I blinked. "Does it suprise you? Henrik Gustav is a jack of all trades when it comes to knowledge. He probably goes to debate with the pastor after church." "How do you know about this?"
Reynolds laughed humorlessly. "Because you're going tomorrow." "What?!" "I forgot to mention it's the new pastor Asher Winthrop everyone has been talking about, he's apparently quite popular with the aristocracy."
I snorted. "Then I really don't wish to go. It means his teaching is nothing but sugared words."
"But my lady, it'd be another opportunity to observe Gustav, only this time...without him knowing." I sighed. "Fine."
'i haven't stepped foot in a church in ages.'
But if it was a way to get information, then I'd do it.
I found myself sneaking out of my own manor, hurrying out to the stables while dressed in a borrowed pair of Reynolds' butler uniform.
"Hey there, Nebula." I murmured to the black mare. I ignored the saddle and tack, instead climbing onto the horse bare back.
"Hiya!" I urged her on toward the road to London, when suddenly a figure darted out into the road. "Wait! Lady Phantomhive!"
"Kassie!" Nebula's hooves pawed the air as i pulled her to a stop just shy of the young woman. "What in the name of all that's holy? Lady Erendasa, what?" Kassie darted over to me, "Alice! Please, wait." She reached into her skirt, into what I assumed was a hidden pocket, and withdrew the little black book from earlier.
"Get on." I said, offering her a hand. "Um. My dress...i mean, I'm not in a riding habit." "Lady, some things are more important than worrying if the bats will see your calves. Let's GO." I yanked her up onto Nebula's back.
"Hiya!" I kicked the horse's sides and we were at once headed toward London. "The book...what made you sneak out and bring it here? Have you opened it yet?"
"No. Where are we going?" "I need to talk to a..a friend." We would have been the next scandal, could anyone have seen us. Our skirts were whorishly high, our hair streaming wildly behind us as we road at break neck speed.
"Alice, I.. I think something dreadful happened to my mother. That's why I stole the book and found you." I set my jaw. "I don't want to frighten you, but I have been thinking the same."
"Undertaker?" A candle was lit and i squinted in the unexpected light. "You've brought a friend, I see." He said, lighting more candles. "Yes." I briefly explained. "Kassie. Hand me the book." She hesitated, then handed it to me.
Undertaker was staring at her, frowning.
I flipped through the pages. All were blank. 'Invisible ink maybe?' I held one of the pages above the flame of a candle. Slowly words appeared and I turned to the last entry:
"Dec. 18--
John Whitcomb. Branded and Sacrificed."
Kassie covered her mouth. "And," Undertaker took a step back, lifting a candle over an open coffin, "Lady Catherine Erendasa, January 18--."
Kassie gasped. "M-mother?! But she was at a friends!" I set aside the book. "Kassie. You said yourself you believed she was in danger. Now, it's you whos life is endangered. You are standing in your uncle's way. I believe he wants you gone, as well."
Kassie lowered herself onto one of the coffins. "No. Why?" "Answers will come in good time. But you need to do exactly as I say, and nothing will happen. I give you my word."
Kassie nodded slowly. I picked up the book. "Undertaker, do you think the Earl....?" He grinned. "He won't like it, but as long as it gets him his target, I think he'll agree." I smiled wanly. "We have to hurry, Kassie. Your uncle will come after you, you know this." I pulled her to her feet. 'There is only one place she'd be truly safe now. Occultists have many, even supernatural, eyes and ears that work for them..'

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