After that night, when 'Savior' saw the strange light traveling in the sky, the occurrence started taking place every day. Streams of light would fly across the tops of city buildings, often leaving glowing balls of glyphs in certain spots.
Carpets would follow the Glyph Trails, as some of the Rythulians started calling them, all the way to where the sun touched the sand. They were sights to see.
The source of the lights were from the mountain, as several white cloaks had noticed.
Perhaps it had something to do with the council.
Although the Glyph Trails kept coming back, 'Protective' and 'Mother' did not. Every day 'Savior' and its friends waited outside the nursery until it grew cold and they would have to return to their nests. In the absence of their caretakers, other protectors did what they could to help the children.
'Savior' and its carpet friend stuck together like glue. With 'Protective' gone, it was hard to keep warm with the shortage of carpets. They would huddle together until the warmth of the sun wrapped itself around them in the light of day.
Every afternoon, the white cloaks selling carpets at the market brought less packages. They began leaving the city and wandering to the outskirts in search of carpet.
The former swarms of fabric no longer existed in the city. The babies never played with them again, and relied on each other to hover in the air.
Then the winter came, and everything changed.
'Savior' could sense it. Every white and red cloak in the city was on edge; no one sat together, relishing the warmth glow. Nobody even approached another. When 'Savior's carpet pet tried to get the attention of locals, they ran away from it. When a child ran up to a white cloak, asking for anything to keep warm, the best they could do was hand them one tattered carpet.
Whatever had been on the message board was causing everyone to be afraid: and nobody in the desert was ever frightened. Until now.
On the day of the cold front, where it snowed for the first time in the Sunset City, a huge white cloak arrived on carpet-back from the mountain. Draped around its neck was a huge, luscious ribbon. White cloaks trilled in awe as the godly figure stepped onto the sand, littered with frost. The scarf unraveled and waved in the air, still connected to the tall cloaked presence.
From the south rose another looming white cloak, riding on top of a torn carpet. The white cloak itself looked battered and beaten, and strode up to the better looking god, head high.
The healthier white cloak titled itself as 'Guardian', while to scrawny one titled itself as 'Warrior'.
'Savior' poked his head out of the nursery, warbling softly. A blast of cold air made him hurry back inside. Red cloaks peered out of their homes, murmuring with anxious sounds.
'Guardian' presented the flowing red ribbon to 'Warrior', outstretching it towards it like a gift. 'Warrior' bent down to peer at the offering. 'Guardian' let out a ping of noise. Understanding shot through the minds of the Rythulians.
'Gift', 'Alliance', 'Truce', 'Share'.
'Warrior' lifted its head and narrowed its eyes. It let out a low bong, it's words reverberating through the city.
'Shortage', 'Fade', 'Weakness', 'Desire'?
It had been a question.
'Guardian' gave 'Warrior' a cold stare, then answered with a slightly more aggressive chirp.
'Help', 'Need', 'Children', 'Death'.
'Warrior' turned to scan the inhabitants of the city, who shrunk away and hid in the shadows.
'Worthless', 'Weakness', 'Useless'.
'Guardian' let out an outraged warble, stepping foreword and attaching the ribbon offering to its robe, intent on taking it back. 'Warrior's eyes widened, and it darted foreword, unwilling to lose the precious material.
'Savior' managed to get a glimpse of the Rythulians trilling with fear, cowering with each other.
'Warrior' tugged backwards, trying to rip the ribbon from 'Guardian'. However, the powerful figure pulled back with equal resistance. 'Guardian' let out a screech.
'Warrior' would not listen.
The ribbon tore in half. 'Guardian' staggered backwards, its damaged ribbon fringed at the end. 'Warrior' fell into the snow, then stood up after a few seconds. It glared at 'Guardian', then lowered its head and sent out the largest noise 'Savior' ever heard.
Confused, 'Guardian' tilted its head. The other Rythulians looked at each other, unsure. For a long moment, nothing happened. Suddenly, a bellowing roar rippled through the air. Three huge armored creatures surged over the top of the city buildings, bright blue lights in their heads glowing vividly.
Before anyone could react, their blue spotlights fixed on 'Guardian', switching to a dangerous blood red.
In the next moment, true fear broke loose.
FanfictionA massive civil war between the magnificent kingdoms of the Rythulians quickly turns from mild to chaos. One red cloaked figure aims to cease the conflict. But will it be able to survive in its new, dangerous world?