the kage summit

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ichiro p.o.v

im standing over my mother's body crying i killed danzo but my mother is still dead as i am fumiko runs over and says daddy i hug her when she sees her grandmother laying on the ground she says what wrong with baa chan daddy i say she is dead fumiko she was killed she starts to cry on my shoulder daisuke runs over and cries to when i tell him what happened to his grandmother all of a sudden bright green lights appear and fly into the dead my mother starts to breath and opens her eyes i check her and see she is fully healed i hug her so do daisuke and fumiko i say i thought you where dead she says that bastard danzo i say i know i got him hes dead i made sure of it she nodes i get up and say kids stay with your grandmother i got to go help naruto my mom says but ichiro you havent fully healed yet i say i dont care im not letting the boy i raised since he was six as my son fight someone like pain alone i take off after naruto as i get to where i can sense his chakra he is walking back i smile and run over i catch him before he falls from exhaustion i say you did good naruto come on lets go he nodes and leans on me    

everyone is throwing him up and down i walk over and say hey guys let me have a go they move back i catch him as he falls back down i say hang on son he says to what i smile and throw him up into the air as far as i could i catch him when he comes back down i smile and say naruto we both know im not your real father but i knew your parents and i know for certain that they would be proud of you right now your mother would be fussing over you seeing if you were hurt we smile and laugh i say so once we get the village rebuilt all you can eat ramen on me trust me i can afford it he yells in joy i smile he really is kushina's son 

line break 

ichiro p.o.v

both me and yamamoto say wood style wood houses  hundreds of wooden house spring up from the ground yamamoto looks tired i say hey yamamoto you ok he nodes and says yes hokage sama im just tired i wasnt born with the wood style like you where it still drains me i node he was an experiment of orochimaru and danzo they where trying to get wood style users under their command the took samples of my grandfather's DNA and implanted it into young children all but one died i say well i can still go why do you go rest i'll handle it from here he nodes and says thank you hokage sama i node and he walks away to rest i make up to five hundred thousand houses by the end of the afternoon and i was hot tired and hungry when i got to the two storied house i made for the hokage the first floor is the hokage's office its where i will conduct my duties the second floor is living quarters where me and my family will live i removed the council members that helped danzo in killing my mother and those that hate naruto which was all of them and replaced them with ones that dont hate naruto which no is hard to come by since naruto saved the village most think he only won because i tired pain out but naruto deserves half of the credit a lot of people worked to find a way to beat pain i walk to the back yard and see mito cooking supper i sit down on the wooden bench i made with my wood style and rested as i do fumiko says are you ok daddy i say smiling yes fumiko chan daddy is just tired i used my wood style a lot today some good food and a good nights sleep and i'll be good as new i'll take tomorrow off considering the state of things i need the rest so my mother will handle the hokage affairs tomorrow she agrees with me just then shizunea runs in with a envelope and says its for you hokage sama i open it and turns out a kage summit has been called first one in years close to one hundred and its in the land of iron home of the samurai clan i get ready its a long trip    
Time skip
Ichiro p.o.v
I arrive at the kage summit the guards say halt state your name and business I say sixth hokage ichiro senju here for the summit they look through papers once they are done the captain says welcome ichiro sama please come with me I follow him in and see I was the last one I say sorry if I'm late the reconstruction of my village is still going on and I helped as best as I could they nod the mizukage says it's ok hokage dono we understand I take my seat and place my kage hat on the table Infront of me mifune the on presiding over the meeting says let's get the summit started hokage sama since your ninja killed most of the Akatsuki we will allow you to go first I stand and

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