telling the past

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ichiro p.o.v
it's been a couple of weeks since sasuke left naruto is about to leave on a training trip with uncle jirayia for three years me anko and mito are married now as well I haven't taken anymore wives yet most guys I know would think I'm crazy but no I'm at the senju clan's private training grounds training my ass off my mother plans to step down in three years and appoint me as hokage I haven't told anyone yet not even naruto and my wives I don't want it to become public knowledge yet dazo is hoping that he becomes hokage if he found out I was he would do anything to stop it so I'm training my ass off so I can be strong enough for the post I stop training at noon to go inside to get some lunch and rest I've been training since 4:00 a.m normally I would train for at least ten hours but my wives and mother don't want me to tire myself out they keep saying I'm strong enough but one of my dreams is to get stronger than my grandfather the first hokage hashirama senju which I should I'm not just a senju I'm also uchiha my mother told me how madara became my father he used the henge jutsu to make him look like Dan my mother's lover at the time and she couldn't tell I was born nine months later two months after Dan died my mother used a genjutsu to hide her pregnancy I'm surprised she didn't lose cause of her grief of losing Dan she did think I was Dan's son until I first used the sharingan when I was six but she didn't care until I gained the rennigan that's when she started to distant herself from me at first I thought it was because she didn't care or love me anymore and that she hated me I returned the feelings when I was ten the day she disowned me we would argue and yell at each other I hated her she wouldn't let me train or do anything I was about to run to my room and lock the she said something I would never forgive her for she yelled YOUR NOTHING BUT A MISTAKE YOUR NOTHING AND WILL ALWAYS BE NOTHING TO ME I LET YOU LIVE HERE CAUSE I GAVE BIRTH TO YOU BUT NOW IM FEED UP GET YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE YOUR NO LONGER MY SON I yell back WHEN WAS I EVER YOUR SON WHEN I WAS SIX I KNEW YOU WERE DISTANCING YOURSELF FROM ME I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T LOVE OR CARE ABOUT ME ANYMORE I WAS TRAINING TO BECOME STRONG AND MAKE YOU PROUD EVEN WHEN I SHOWED YOU I COULD USE WOOD STYLE BUT WHAT DID YOU DO YOU JUST WALKED AWAY I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME SO I GOT FEED UP TRYING TO EARN YOUR LOVE AS MY MOTHER I RETURNED THOSE FEELINGS YOU WANT ME GONE FINE I thought I saw tears in her eyes I ran up to my room and gathered my stuff what I couldn't put in my pack I placed in a storage seal I locked my door I replaced the wood with the wood of my wood style making it 200% stronger than steel she was knocking trying to get in she was even saying ichiro let me in I didn't know I said how could you the only the I would see you was when we were home well your to late lady tsuneade I'm no longer your son I hope your happy you won't see the mistake you gave birth to I had a wood clone walk up to the door to unlock it once I was in the window he unlocked the door my at the time ex mother walks in to what I guessed was to apologize and make me her son again she seen me in the window she says ichiro what are you doing I said didn't you tell me to leave well that's what I'm doing I'm not just leaving your home but the village as well goodbye I jump out the window with my mother yelling my name trying to get me to come back but I didn't listen that was the last time I saw her until we went to find her to be hokage before I left the village I went and visited my cousin kushina and told her what happened she couldn't believe what my mother did and said I hugged her one last time I told her I was leaving the village and left her house I ran to the gate being as stealth as possible no dought my mother was looking for me and I was right she even had uncle jirayia and uncle orochimaru helping her I hear uncle jirayia say Tsuneade he was trained by both your grandfather and uncle if he doesn't want to be found we won't find him orochimaru says he's right I've seen what ichiro can do tsuneade he won't let himself be found easily she says I don't care if I knew how I was treating him I wouldn't have done what I did we need to find him before he leaves the village he visited kushina to tell her goodbye so he's still here somewhere I created a wood clone to lead them away I guess they couldn't tell it was a clone I run out the gate and as I'm running I see uncle orochimaru pop up in front of me saying and where do you think your going young man I said anywhere but here I'm not staying in the same village as her he said ichiro I know what she did but your sure about leaving your home behind I node despite popular belief orochimaru was a nice caring person at one point there were some times where he would treat me like his son he would praise me he even got me birthday presents he even taught me his hebi style taijutsu I excelled at it I was almost as good has him at it he gives a sad smile and says ichiro I wish you the best of luck I smile I have tears going down my face I hug my father figure besides my great grandfather he hugs me back I say take care of anko uncle he smiles and says so you do have feelings for little anko I blush and node he says don't worry I will no get going before your mother and jirayia find out they are chasing a clone I node and run off I turn around and wave at him as I turn back around I can see my mother and uncle jirayia run out after me I created more wood clones and split apart with them as I got five miles from the village I can hear my ex mother yell ICHIRO I thought I was going to cry but I force those feelings down and kept going

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