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Me. I'm Emily, better known as Em. I'm going to tell you a little bit about me, if you're even interested in what I have to tell you. I'm boring. I'm plain. I don't have much I need to say. Nothing at all. But I do. I do have a life. I use it well. I have friends. Also, there's Diana, my worst enemy. I don't understand why she hates me so much. People also tell me that having "enemies" and having a "nemesis" is a childish thing. A thing you do when you're still in elementary school.


Sorry, I have to put my journal away because I'm in class. I won't be writing in this useless thing anymore. Other people can take it and read my flaws, as well as my weaknesses.


I shift in my seat uncomfortably. I continue squirming. Struggling to even reach into my desk, I grab my tiny purse, not much bigger than a wallet, and look inside. No pads, where are the pads? Shit, I must have forgotten them. I have to go tell my teacher now. I walk over to my teacher, Mr. Reeves. "S-sir," I struggle, "I-I have to go to the nurse's office." "What for?" His voice is bold. "Girl issues.. I m-mean girl problems.. O-or.. Girl business." I hear snickers and murmurs from the other side of where I'm standing.

In The Nurse's Office

I sit in the waiting chair, waiting for a nurse to even speak to me. All she is doing is scrolling on her computer. What is she even on? Hm. I shift the other direction to get a closer view.
Facebook. Of course. Why? I'm here. Am I invisible? No, so look at me. See me. Choose me. There are others in the room. "What's your name, hun?" The nurses asks me. Finally. "My name is Emily. Emily Watson, to be full." I say, confidently. "Uh-huh. What's the problem?" "I need pads. Yes, no questions. Don't give me questions, I need a pad, so give me one. Please." All eyes seem to be face in my direction. I look at everyone else. They quickly turn away acting like they didn't hear or see anything. That's what people do a lot. They look at me, I look at them, they turn away. But I don't. I don't turn away. I stare at them. I stare. I stare because that's what
they did to me less than 12 seconds ago. She hands me pads, and I rush to the restroom to put one on.

Author's Note
This was an extremely short one, because this is the first. The other parts will be much longer and filled with more detail.
What The Book Contains
This book contains pretty mature scenes. Do NOT put in the comment section, "Oh! That is so inappropriate. You cannot do that!"
I can actually, I can do that. This book is for mature audiences and children under 12 should not be reading is book. For those immature 12 year olds, don't read this. I am allowing 12 year olds to read this book. What I mean by this book contains "mature scenes" is graphic content and sexual interaction. There is pictures in this book that may not be pleasing in inappropriate ways.

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