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I walk into my doorway, holding onto my backpack. It's too big for me, so I must hold it up. "Hey, Em! How was school, honey?" My mom asks with her shaky voice, "Oh.. It was good." I always say good, even if it isn't. I got used to it. Got used to saying "good".


Walking upstairs, I pull my phone from my backpack, checking my notifications. I don't have any. I wish I did, don't have anything better to do. A notification pulls up on my screen. Seriously? Somebody just liked my post. That's nothing. Stop getting my hopes up. I turn off the Instagram notifications, so it will no longer tell me if somebody likes my post.

Opening the door to my bedroom, I set my backpack down inside. I close the door and enter the restroom, letting my hair down, letting it flow. My brown silky hair is everywhere. I don't decided to brush it because it looks messy and I like it that way. I want to keep it that way.

The ceiling fan is on, it's been on since I left for school this morning. I lay down on my bed and look up at it. It puts me in a trance. I want to fall asleep but I know I can't. Why would I fall in a trance over a ceiling fan? Whatever. I open the door, walking into the empty hallway. I walk downstairs, while I'm walking, I start talking. Talking to my mom. "Hey mom, can I please go to the park?" "Oh! Of course Em, don't be long, dinner is almost ready." "I know. I know dinner is almost ready, mom." I grab my earbuds to bring along with me.

At The Park
I see Jake. Jake, my crush. Chill, Emily. Chill. Climbing on the swing, I stare at him. He looks back, but I don't turn away. He walks towards me. Towards my direction. What will he say?


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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