The nightmare - Part 7

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HBomb's P.O.V

Skye got up and slowly walked to the sofa to get her phone. She sat down again and started singing.

(Song at the top)

As you go through life you'll see
There is so much that we
Don't understand

And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned

But you'll see everyday
That we'll never turn away
When it seems all your dreams come undone
We will stand by your side
Filled with hope and filled with pride
We are more than we are
We are one

If there's so much I must be
Can't I still just be me
The way I am?

Can I trust in my own heart
Or am I
just one part
Of some big plan?

Even those who are gone
Are with us as we go on
Your journey has only begun

Tears of pain, tears of joy
One thing nothing can destroy
Is our pride deep inside
We are one

We are one you and I
We are like the earth and sky
One family under the sun

All the wisdom to lead
All the courage that you need
You will find when you see
We are one

(Her voice. It's.... Beautiful. I don't care anymore. I care for this girl. And I'm going to help her with anything she needs.)

The music finished and she looked so tired. Stacy and Graser just sat there in disbelief like me. Her voice is.... She's.... Amazing.

"Guys I'm going to go to bed now, night" She said at last, breaking the silence.

She made it to the bottom of the stairs before I could tell she was probably in pain and couldn't go any further. Stacy was about to get up but I can tell she's also exhausted.

"I'll help her" I said getting up. I walked to the stairs finding her sitting at the bottom, her head in her hands.

"Skye... I know you're not strong enough right now but you'll be ok. If it's true what you said in the video, I'm always the one you turn to. I'm here for you, now and forever." I said pulling her up for a piggyback ride upstairs.

"Promise?" She says as I take her upstairs. "Promise" I say tucking her in. I walk out and close the door behind me. I lean against the door and as quietly as possible whisper," I love you."

Skye's P.O.V

I was surrounded by darkness. It was looming over and around me. I could hear very realistic screaming from people I couldn't see. I had been there hours. All of a sudden I couldn't take it. A knife appeared in my hand. I brought it swiftly to my neck before I bolted awake. I let out a small squeal before stopping myself​.

I look around my bedroom. It was a nightmare. All of a sudden there was a knock at my door and a soft quiet voice said," Skye? Can I come in?"
I answered yes and H walked in and sat down beside me. He hugged me knowing that it was one of my nightmares.

"H...I'm scared..." I said to him about to cry into his shirt. "Shhhhhh, it's ok. It's ok. Your alright. Nothing is going to hurt you." He said soothingly over and over.

"Can... I stay with you tonight?" I asked stupidly. "Yeah but none of our beds have enough room for us both, do you wanna go to the sofa?" I nodded getting up.

(Just saying if you're wondering for some reason how they both fit on the sofa there's a picture at the top 😅)

H asked if I needed help getting down stairs to the living room. "No worries, I'm not going to get any stronger being carried everywhere" I replied smiling at him.

He brought down a duvet cover and pillows. He got in and I hugged him tightly still slightly scared. He let me rest my head on his chest and we just looked at the ceiling in the dark, cuddled together.

"If it's going to take us a while to fall asleep then we may as well use the time to get to know each other. Tell me one thing you haven't told anyone else on the cube." H said finally breaking the silence.

I haven't told many things because I'm very private. I guess I may as well tell him the one thing that everyone is going to find out eventually.

"Ok but please don't judge me. I.. I'm an orphan.... I never met my parents... I was put into an adoption home soon after my parents died...."

"I'm so sorry. Do you know how they died?"

"I was never told and my adoption parents tried to get me to call them mum and dad but they were never my parents and they never will be. Same with the son and daughter they had. The closest thing I've had to parents are Graser and Stacy. Honestly I may as well call them mum and dad." I said smiling at the small family the cube has given me.

"Well... It doesn't matter where you came from, it's who you choose to be."

"Thanks H. Now tell me something I don't know about you."


"Describe your dream home and family in the future."

"Umm, I guess still talking to all of the cube and a beautiful wife and kids. Maybe 2 kids. And a decent house not too big, not too small and who knows maybe in another country. And of course, most importantly, still talking to you."

"Awww that's cute. I'm tired, I'm going to sleep, night H. You're​ a good friend."

HBomb's P.O.V

She fell asleep in my arms. Her chest slowly rising and falling, her silky hair fell down her back. I fell asleep about 5 or so minutes later.

I'm going to make her that channel. And get everything set up for her. In the morning. I'm going to get her on the cube SMP if it's the last thing I do.


Hope you guys enjoyed! ( Yeah that's all I got to say this late at night)

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