Cuts, Changes And Extras

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So these are just going to be a few of the extra scenes that I either thought that they wouldn't fit into the story or were going to be filler.

1) There was going to be a scene when Dylan and Del are alone once they go home after Minecon and Delphron was going to sing to Dylan. I wanted this because I know very well that they were kinda just shoved together by plot. But no, their ship honestly could've been like a spin-off or side book to Twinkle because they had their own little adventure before getting together. I don't think I'll make it though. I like the idea but as of the current time I don't have enough ideas for an entire book.

2) Originally Skye wasn't going to have her little breakdown at the end until they went home with, Will and Shelby as well as the other 3. She was going to get very outraged at all of them before fleeing to the balcony. The song on the balcony on the last night was going to be started by H as a sad, 'I'm sorry I have to leave you tomorrow' song.

One thing if you were paying attention to the lyrics of most of the songs is that certain lines in particular matter and in Right Here, Right Now it's 'Tomorrow can wait for some other day to be' and 'If this was forever, what could be better? We already proved it works'. Basically stating that neither want the other (or anyone else) to leave.

3) I think if I wasn't the author and I read this book from start to finish that I'd be kinda confused how Will turns up for Skye's birthday. I put that Stacy and Graser had a reason for not being there as much when H came and I planned to expand on that but never did. But just incase you're wondering (not that anyone probably was) they were setting up the Cube and furiously trying to book Will to come for Valentine's Day without Skye knowing. So ye.

4) I can't quite remember but I think there was going to be some Shelbee scenes, and even Skye and Liam going to see her old friends from school. And more backstory for characters which I don't really enjoyed doing.

5) And finally number 5. Drumroll please................. There was going to be a f*ck ton more songs. Yeah I realized that nearly every chapter had a song nearing the end. And I didn't want want this to be boring. So here's a list of all the songs you missed out on because I'm lazy.

(Reader) Where's the list? I'm so totally interested!!!

(Skye aka me) Well they may or may not end up in the sequel. So everyone calm yourselves. It'll come....... Eventually.

I hope to see you all soon. I'm sorry I'm making a sequel. I'm not proud of myself. But I'm not letting my, creativity? Yeah let's call it that. I'm not letting my creativity go to waist.
Shelbee story part coming soon.

P.s. Who's hyped for the 'Cube SMP The Musical'. I am (^^)

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