The Big News

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*i took her back to the house carried her up the steps laid her on the bed, I let ke and gege take care of her and nurse her back to health. They came out 3 hours later *

Ke: she's alive .. But she needs to take it easy for a while and take care of her for me

Gang: oh that's good

*everybody left the room *

Ke: umm jay can I talk to you

Jay: yea wassup

Ke: I didn't wanna tell you this in front of the gang .. But you do know that lovely is pregnant?

Jay: what are you serious, why didn't she tell me??

Ke: no one knew because she didn't want it to effect the gang .. And she didn't tell you because she thought you would be mad. The only people that know are you me and gege you can't tell the others until later

Jay : ok thanks ke your the best

*jay slowly walked in to room slowly*

Jay: hey baby are you ok??

Lovely: I'm fine , I know ke told you .. Please don't be Mad

Jay: Robin Alyssa I would never be mad at you .. A baby is just what we need to start this family

Lovely: really!! So your not mad??!?!

Jay: I'm not mad .. We just gotta start preparing

Lovely: ok will do ... But can we start in like two week .. I need sometime to recover from this

Jay : Ok ok and I'm so sorry this is all my fault .. I should have been more careful I'm so sorry

Lovely: Bae it's ok it was sorta my fault to

Jay: ok Bae get some rest , call me if you need anything

Lovely: Hey jay i gotta make a phone call .. But pack you bags.. I gotta go visit the fam

*2weeks later*

Lovely on the intercom

Lovely: yo listen up jay and i arw taking off for a few days .. But we will keep in touch ke and killa yall take charge .. Make sure no shit goes down over here .. Give us a month .. If we are not back by the. .. Then contact us .. Only then and emergencies do you contact us .. If we arent back my jan16 have tacara track us got it ?

The others:got it

Lovely: great now ke i need you to take us to the airport

Ke:iight lets go *grabs her keys

Jay: lovely where are we going

Lovely: my home state nigga.. Good ole Alabama.. I mean at least my parents should know im pregnant .. And i bet the miss me

*5hours later*

Lovely: hi mom ... Is me Robin Alyssa

Mom: *in shock* o my gosh Robin where have you been

Lovely: I had to go in to the witness protection .. I couldn't come back ... I had to start and when I was out .... I just stayed in Cali... But mom I'm pregnant.. I'm going to be down here for a week or two

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