How He Asks You Out: part 2

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Taehyung: He left a rose of a different color at your doorstep everyday for a week. The first day he left a simple red rose with a note that said "To: Y/f/n Y/l/n From: Somebody". You were flattered. At the end of the week you had gotten a y/f/c rose with a note that said. "Meet me at the park  by the fountain, please." You hesitated for a minute but, in the end you decided to go. When you got there you walked towards the fountain in the heart of the park. When you got there you looked around. You felt someone tap your shoulder. You turn around to Teahyung holding a bouquet of roses. "Y/n, I have liked you for a while now. Would you please go out with me?" He asked cutely as he handed you the roses. You grinned. "I like you, too! I would love to go out with you!" You pulled him into a hug.

Jimin: You and him went out for lunch together. You sat down with him and scanned the menu for something to eat. The waiter walked up. "Hello, my name is Matt, and I'll be your server today. Can I get you something to drink pretty lady?" He asked completely ignoring Jimin. "Just water for me, Thanks." You reply, uncomfortably. "I'll have a water too." Jimin spits, bitterly. Matt goes into the back to come out with your drinks. "What's your deal?" You question. Jimin looks over at you and his face softens. "Nothing." He responded half-convincingly. "Are you guys ready yet?" Matt asked when he came back. "Yeah, I think so. I'll have (your favorite food)." You answered. "I'll just get the Chicken." Jimin spat. "Alright I'll be right back out with your orders." Matt walked off. "Jimin, seriously, Is something wrong?" You asked sincerely. "You really didn't see him flirting with you" He said pointing over to where Matt was staring at you. "I did, but what does that have to do with you?" You demanded. "I.. I..." He stuttered. "Go on" You pushed. "I really like you. I have for a while." He revealed. You gasped. "I really like you, too!" You respond. He looks at you and smiles. "Well, then would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course!" 

J-hope: He asked if you could come over to help him with his Physics assignment (You guys are still in high school), since you were good in Physics. (A/n: If your not pretend you are) You got to his house and knocked on his door. He opened it after about 30 seconds and welcomed you in. You guys got to work. you were sitting next to him looking over the work. He would ask questions about something, every once in a while. You answered and helped him understand as best as you could. Towards the end of the night you were texting your mom, telling her you would be heading home in about 5 minutes, when Hoseok got your attention by running back to his room. He ran back a few seconds later with a red rose. "Y/n, I've liked you since we first met at the cafe. I really want to know if you would be my girlfriend." He said nervously handing you the rose. You smiled brightly and accepted the rose. "I would love to. I like you, too." You responded. 

A/n: I would like to say sorry for any spelling errors. I was rushing to get this out today. I also wanted to say thanks to my friend who helped me out with J-hope's imagine.

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