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Jin: You two had your quiffs here and there. Most weren't very serious. Mainly things like cleanliness of the house you shared or something like that. When you did have a serious fight he'd always feel really guilty. He'd be the one to apologize quickly. Even if the arguement wasn't really his fault, he'd feel bad for yelling and arguing  with you.

Jungkook: You two hardly ever argued. When you did it was definantly something serious. Jungkook is not the person the get agressive or loud. He'd probably just let you yell at him before trying to talk in more of a calm manner to work things out.

Suga: You wouldn't fight often. When you did you were usually fighting about how much time he spent writing music. You often worried about how much he poured himself into his work. It was good that he loved it so much, but it had gotten to a point where he skipped meals. When you argued he would be stubborn about it. He would wait and let you apoligize first.

Rap Monster: Like Jungkook he'd be pretty calm ablout it. He'd listen to you and your point of view. He'd ask questions to make sure he understood your side before calmly stating his side. He'd never yell or raise his voice even if you did. He sees it as pointless. (I wish more people would be like that)

Jimin: He would get frusterated fast. He would make sure you knew his side and barely take into account your point of view. He'd regret it pretty quickly though. He always would come to you and ask for your forgiveness. Maybe, if it was bad enough, he would buy you something to prove how sorry he is.

Taehyung: He would try to avoid arguements. He didn't like being angry or fighting with people. When you two did argue he wouldn't yell yo much. If it got serious he might raise his voice to be heard. He hated arguing with you and wanted it to be over as soon as possible. He might even excuse himself from the argument to let you calm down for a bit.

J-hope: You never really full on argued. You would normally work it out before it  became anything huge. He's not a very easily angered person to begin with. Of you couldn't work it out you separated for a few hours to calm down.

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