Timeless Love - Part 2

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Shot 2:

He asked her about her tension, she said that she want to go to City hospital as Payal was admitted, and her condition was serious. Abhi drove as much as fast and they reached hospital, being the legal guardian, Pragya signed for the formality papers. Doctors informed her that Payal has to be operated immediately, with bone marrow. Only the blood relation could donate their spinal cord blood to her for this operation. Abhi informed the doctor that Payal doesn’t have any blood relation. But Pragya interfered and asked them wait and took Abhi from there.
Abhi driving the car and asked her where she was taking him, she said that we are going to meet Payal’s mother. Abhi was shocked, and asks “What? You know about her mother?” Pragya nods. They reached the place where Pragya said. Abhi waited near the car. Pragya went inside the compound.

After a while Abhi can hear Pragya’s begging voice to Payal’s mother. But Abhi found Payal’s mother voice familiar. He moved from there and saw the entrance of that house. Payal’s mother was none other than, Tanu. He immediately entered inside, but before he reaches there, Tanu didn’t notice Abhi, she just shut the door in Pragya’s face. Pragya kneel down while crying hardly. Before she fell, Abhi hold her and she sobbed in his chest. He couldn’t see her crying.

Pragya screams in anger “Why the hell they deliver a baby when they are not ready to grow up them. Money my foot..!!! Can money can bring the blood Payal needed..” she again sobbed. Abhi consoled her. He understood that money doesn’t matter at sometimes. All we need was a supportive person at your side; definitely Pragya will be there for him.
Pragya’s phone ringed. Ronnie the Asylum’s warden informed that if someone has AB- blood we can help with the operation. Pragya immediately asks Abhi “Do you know anyone who has AB- blood group; their blood may help for Payal.” Abhi called up someone and said them to reach hospital immediately.

Abhi and Pragya reached hospital; the person Abhi called also came there. Abhi introduces them to doctor “This is Purab and This Bulbul. She only gonna donate blood” The doctor took her to the operation room. Abhi left to reception for some formalities.
Pragya informed Purab that Payal was Tanu’s daughter. Purab didn’t utter any word. He moved from there to meet Abhi.

Abhi was in reception, and turns to see Purab standing near him.
Purab asks “Payal Tanu’s daughter? You said that Pragya adopted her?”
Abhi says “I myself know this today only. But from when she was baby Pragya was the one who took care of Payal. For me Payal is Pragya’s love. That’s it.”
Purab caressed his shoulder and hugged him.
Purab says “I think Pragya will be your better half for sure” Abhi smiles and says “Yes she will be my better half, but can I be the same? I didn’t believe in horoscope, she was young, will I be able to give all the happiness she deserves for?”
Purab doesn’t have answer for Abhi but he believed that Pragya’s love may change Abhi’s view of love.
Bulbul donated blood and the operation was successful. Fortunately Payal was out of danger now. She needs to be under medicine. Purab and Bulbul got married 11 years before and Bulbul was unable to get conceive. Purab never thought it as big issue, for him their love is more enough, but still it bothered Bulbul.

After a while Payal gets conscious and doctor informs the others to meet her. Pragya, Abhi, Purab and Bulbul entered inside the room. Pragya rush to her and cups her face. Payal says with her low voice “I am fine di (she looks at Abhi) you're the one getting married to my di?” Abhi nods with a teary smile. Payal says “Take care of my di” Abhi chuckles and replies “Sure I will take care of her”. Pragya kisses on her forehead. Later Payal turns to other side to see Bulbul and Purab.

Pragya informs that Bulbul is the one who donated blood for her operation. Payal looks at Bulbul and asks “Shall I ask one thing? I never thought like this before, but today I feel to ask. Shall I?” Bulbul came near and sit on the side chair, holds her hand and says “You can ask..” Payal’s eyes fills with tears and asks “Shall I call you ‘Maa’?” The moment Payal asked this, it shook Purab and Bulbul’s world. The one thing both longed for was child. Today this girl, who was alive because of her blood, is asking whether she can call her ‘Maa’. Abhi left the place as he couldn’t suppress his emotional side.

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