Chapter 3

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I wake up pretty early to surf, seeing as there was some kind of rare waves this morning, and let me tell you, it was worth it

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I wake up pretty early to surf, seeing as there was some kind of rare waves this morning, and let me tell you, it was worth it. After surfing for an hour or so, I head home and take a quick shower. After I get out, I get dressed in a tight red t-shirt crop top, black overall shorts, and white high top converse. I straighten my hair and do my makeup. I brush my teeth and head out the door. I go into my garage, getting into my beloved black jeep, which I never get to drive. Steve invited us all to a football game, and of course, I'm running behind schedule. I quickly pull out of the driveway quickly heading to the stadium. I manage to find a good parking spot, then quickly head inside. I go to where Steve texted me they were and spotted them pretty easily. I sit down between Chin and Steve, and breath a sigh of relief when I see the game has just started. They all greet me smiling.
"Sorry, I'm late guys," I tell them.
Steve turns to me smiling, "You're good, Danny and Grace are still coming too."
I roll my eyes playfully, "Of course he's later than me."
"Aloha, football fans, and welcome to the grudge match, the inter-island rivalry everyone's been waiting for... The Kapui Kings versus the P-Boy's Scorpions." I announcer says causing me to smile, I've always loved football games.
"Oh! How'd you miss that face call, ref? He only tried to gouge the kid's eyes out! You suck!" Kono yells, standing up, same old Kono, I'm used to this by now.
"I'm glad she's on our team," Steve says with a chuckle.
I lean over to him, letting out a small laugh," She's just getting warmed up, you haven't seen anything yet."
"Sorry we're late," I hear someone say. I turn and see Danny and Grace walking over.
"Hey brah," Kono says with a smile.
"Auntie Quinn!" Grace yells while walking over and hugging me, making me smile.
"Hey, Grace! How's my favorite Williams?" I ask.
I look down at Danny who rolls his eyes, "I thought I was the favorite."
Steve leans over to Grace who is sitting below me, "Hey, Gracie. I'm Steve. It's great to meet you finally. Your Dad, he talks about you all the time."
Grace shakes his hand and smiles," Talks about you a lot, too."
We all laugh as Steve asks, "Really? Does he?"
"We, uh, commiserate. It's a father-daughter thing." Danny tells us with a smile.
"Hi, I'm Kono," Kono says, shaking Grace's hands.
"And I'm Uncle Chin." Chins says, pointing to his chin.
"Are you a football player?" Grace asks.
"I used to be. I used to play quarterback for that red team." Chin explains.
"He was a legend, too, till I came along and shattered all his records," Steve says, leaning on me when doing so. This sends shivers up my spine, but I ignore it. I can't like him, I barely know him, and he's one of my partners, not to mention my boss.
"That's a really pretty tennis outfit," Kono says to her.
"Yeah, I had to pick her up today at a country club," Danny explains, before covering Grace's ears with his hands. "Step-Stan decided that she should start taking tennis lessons."
"What's wrong with tennis, Danny?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, I actually kinda like tennis," I tell him.
"I'll tell you what's wrong with tennis. It can be played on a table, which makes it an activity, not a sport. You throw the ball, I catch the ball, that's a sport. It's my duty as a father to teach my daughter the difference." He explains, moving Grace's head back and forth.
"That tennis played on a table, that's a whole other thing called Ping Pong. You should be familiar with that game." I joke with a smile.
"Dad, I can still hear you," Grace tells him.
He looks down at her, taking his hands off her head. "Well, you're not supposed to be listening to me, huh? You're supposed to be paying attention, cause it's football. It's a sport."
"Danno, I'm hungry." She tells him.
"How can you be hungry when we ate an hour ago?" Danny asks.
"We didn't eat nachos an hour ago." Grace replies, making us laugh.
"What was I thinking about? Of course, we didn't. Come on, let's go." He tells her.
Steve turns to me,"Do you want nachos."
"You don't need to get me nachos," I say, shaking my head.
"Hey, Danny!" Steve calls out, causing Danny to turn around. "Get us nachos too."
I let out a laugh, "Nice one." It is quiet for a while, as we watch the game, until I say, "I didn't know you were in football. I thought you were always this GI Joe guy."
He lets out a small laugh, smiling, "Yeah I was the quarterback up until the beginning of my junior year. After my Mom died, my Dad sent my sister and me away."
I raised my eyebrows, "You have a sister?"
"Yeah, her name is Mary, but I don't get to see her much. She lives on the mainland, in California." Steve explains.
I frown, "I used to always wish I had a sibling, you're lucky."
Steve's phone rings and he answers it, putting it up to his ear, "Where are our nachos?"
I lean closer to him so I can hear Danny, "Hey, I'm right in front of you. Got two guys headed to the field, strapped. I think something's about to go down."
At this news, Steve and I stand up, "We've got trouble. Kono, call HPD for backup." Steve tells her.
We head down to the field, watching the two men carefully. Soon gunshots go off, sending everyone into panic mode. Danny manages to shoot one of them, Steve cuffs the other and yells to Danny to go find Grace.
I run over to the Kings quarterback, who had been shot. I kneel down beside him, slowly helping take off his shoulder pads so I can put pressure on his arm.
"I'm detective Quinn West, you're going to be fine."
I soon let the paramedics take care of him, as I quickly wash the blood off my hands and headed outside where the rest of the team was.
I walk up to Kono and Steve, who was standing over the body of a man, covered in a yellow tarp.
"This is one of the shooters. Do you recognize the art?" She asks.
I look down at it, immediately recognizing the ink. "It's a 14k tattoo. This guy's a Triad enforcer."
"The other Vic is Samoan. These guys are from two different gangs. So what are we looking at here, a gang war?" Kono asks.
"The Triads and Samoans have coexisted on this island for as long as I can remember. They never brought their wars into the public especially in front of their families." Steve says.
"You guys ok?" Chin asks as he walks over.
"Yeah, we're fine, you?" I ask.
"Yeah. I lost my runner in the parking lot." Chin says I could tell he was lying, but I left it be.
"That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life! Violence follows me? I mean, how do you even come up with something like that? No, what happened here has nothing to do with my job. In fact, it is just the opposite, okay? She is safe because I am I cop. Huh? You know, I can't- I can't even do this right now. She'll be there in five minutes, an officer is bringing her home. Yeah goodbye." I hear Danny say over the phone with Rachel, and I let out a sigh, he can never catch a break with her.
"I can't wait to meet your ex," Steve says with a chuckle.
Danny scoffs, "Yeah, you two can plan my demise... So what do we got?"
"Six friendlies wounded, two hostiles dead. We think it was a gang shooting. Triads and Samoans." I explain.
"Well if this is a gang, the problem is, there's only gonna be one winner." Danny states.
"Yeah, and the losers are whoever gets in the way," Steve adds.

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