Chapter 6

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Breathing heavily, I jog down the streets of Oahu, as the sun began to rise

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Breathing heavily, I jog down the streets of Oahu, as the sun began to rise. Typically running was something I did alone in the morning, but this time I had Steve as company. Steve and I have been spending a lot of time together, and I don't know what to think of it. I look over at him with a smile on my face, as I push myself harder, running in front of him. It doesn't take him long to catch up with me, smirking cockily as he comes up next to me. Just as we're about to turn the corner Steve's phone rang, so we slowed down, and came to a stop.
He answered his phone with a panting hello, a few seconds later, he hung up and turned to me, a serious look on his face,"We've got a hostage situation."
A very short 20 minutes later, Steve, Danny, and I were standing in front of the docked military ship, the Missouri. This ship, who now has retired was about to become a warzone again.
Upon getting out of the car, we are approached by a dark eyed woman in a professional gray suit, her long dark hair pulled back in a slick ponytail. She reaches out and begins to shakes our hands as she begins to introduce herself,"Commander McGarrett, Detective Williams and West. I wish we were meeting under better circumstances, Laura Hills. I recently took over as Governor Jamison's new Public Safety Liaison.
Steve nods his head curtly, wanting to get to the task at hand,"What do we got?"
"Suspect on board is Special Warfare Operator Second Class Graham Wilson. SEAL Team Five." Laura replies, handing me a picture of the man to look at.
Steve raises his eyebrows,"Hang on. He's a SEAL."
Laura nods her head,"Heavily decorated. He's holed himself up inside with an unknown number of hostages."
"Has there been any contact with him since he's boarded yet?" I ask as we walk closer to the ship, weaving our way through the numerous police cars that are parked haphazardly about.
"He told our negotiators he would start killing the hostages if we tried to move in on him," she replies.
Danny nods his head,"Did he make any demands?"
"Just one: find his wife's killer."
I frown,"That's interesting. When did this happen?"
"This morning. Her name was Noreen Wilson. Graham's given us four hours to find her killer." Laura replies, handing us a picture of Graham, his wife, and his daughter, all supporting wide smiles.
"I guess it'd be too much to hope that he mentioned who did it? Any suspects?" Danny asks.
Laura nods her head,"Yes, him. HPD found Graham at the crime scene, holding the murder weapon. When they confronted him, he ran."
Danny raises his eyebrows, a confused look on his face, and I could tell he was about to give on of his famous sarcastic remarks, "And he wants us to find the killer. I don't suppose telling him he did it would suffice, huh?
And my prediction was correct.
She shakes her head,"Right now my only concern is getting those hostages off that ship. Now usually, SWAT would handle something like this, but the governor seems to think that with your background as a SEAL, that you'd be better equipped to handle the situation."
"Him? And us, we're here for entertainment or what?" Danny asks, sarcasm practically dripping from his words."
Steve nods his head, ignoring what Danny had just said,"Well, you can tell SWAT to sit tight. I'll go alone."
Danny's eyes widen as he shakes his head furiously,"Woah, okay that's just stupid. At least take Quinn, she's an amazing swimmer, and you can't just be alone on that ship."
Steve looks over at me for a moment, and I can practically see the gears turning in his head, "Okay fine. If this guy didn't kill his wife, then you need to find that out, Danny."

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