➰ tribal tattoos

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{symbols in the card}

i hear he's on a new diet
and watches what he eats
he's got his eyebrows plucked
and his asshole bleached
owns every single Ministry CD
tribal tattoos
and he don't know what it means
but i heard he makes you happy so that's fine by me

Draco Malfoy sat with his arms crossed and his head down as he listened to Harry recall to Granger and Weasley, yet again, how Diggory (prat that he was) took him to a muggle fair over holiday.

He was so tired of hearing about Diggory. It was like Potter was rubbing this new relationship in on purpose. Draco shook his head. He had heard more than enough about Cedric sodding Diggory.

It was worse when the hufflepuff in question was around. He quoted ministry songs and otherwise talked about how he stays fit for sports by 'eating right'. Draco doesn't remember ever seeing the prick play quidditch but he never went to Hufflepuff games so one could never be sure. What he was sure of was that if the jerk tried to suggest that he doesn't 'eat enough vegetables to combat study time' one more time he was going to hex the boy into next month.

They sat in a corner nook in the library where they wouldn't be disturbed. Ever since Harry had broken up with Draco for whatever reasons he decided to keep to his self, the blonde stopped going inside Gryffindor Tower. He had remained friends with the Gryffindors for reasons even he didn't fully understand. They had taken to studying together when they could or spending time outside of class playing pick up games of quidditch or chess in Weasley's case and discussing books and theories when he found himself alone with Granger.

As they sat in their seats pretending to listen to whatever Harry was saying Diggory decided to walts in as if they needed his presence to discuss him properly

Cedric had gotten a tattoo over the break with Harry that looked like a diamond, but curved off at the top point on both sides only to spiral in on themselves. Draco scoffed. Cedric noticed and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"What's wrong, doesn't meet your standards of permanent markings?"

Draco rolled his eyes at the obvious jab and shrugged.

"I'm just happy to know you're fertile, is all," he said nonchalantly going back to his book while Hermione glanced up confused as to what-the-hell Draco was talking about and then had to stifle a laugh before she paled in embarrassment.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying I wasn't aware that you were the bottom in your relationship. Potter used to enjoy it when I fucked him into the mattress. A lot of things are actually starting to make sense now, though." He smirked and looked over at Harry who blushed.

"I'm not a bottom," huffed Cedric before turning away from him in an attempt to end the conversation.

"Then I'm flattered." When Draco spoke he kept his eyes on Harry who looked like he wanted the floor to swallow him whole.

"Mind your own business, Malfoy. I just came to talk to Harry."

"Yes, ma'am. Didn't mean to interrupt."

"What is your problem?" snapped Cedric turning back around to face him angrily. He was a few years or so above them, but still lacked height when it came to Draco. Luckily the younger blonde was sitting down unbothered by the sudden tense atmosphere. If he noticed, he didn't let on.

"Not my problem," shrugged Draco. "Yours. Honestly, were Granger and I the only students at this sodding school to take Ancient Runes and Symbols?"

"What Draco means to say is-," said Hermione with a pointed look at the still seated blonde. "You're tattoo...what is it exactly?"

He smiled as though someone finally recognized his intelligence and whatever else Hufflepuffs were purposely not known for. Draco shook his head at the thought. He knew some smart Hufflepuffs, some that would even put those bloody Ravenclaws to shame.

"It's a cool rune. It means Angelic Power. I got it at one of the wizard booths that were set up at the fair while we were there. It's in magic ink so it does whatever it says. In this case it increases my power and residual magic while blocking out dark forces."

"No, in this case it makes you more fertile. Great job, genius." Draco snorted, something he hadn't done until he started hanging around these buffoons and Granger. He closed his book and stood. "I'm leaving. His ignorance might become contagious. Gryffindorks. Diggory." He nodded at them before turning and abruptly leaving the library and heading towards Slytherin dorms. Of course he had to share Diggory's good news himself.

"Whatever," Cedric huffed before sitting next to Harry and placing a kiss on his temple.

Hermione still look uneasy and slowly stood as well.

"Y-yeah, I'm going to go too."

"What's wrong, 'Mione?" Harry asked confused. "You aren't seriously going to check on Dra-Malfoy," he quickly corrected when he felt Cedric's arm tense around his shoulders.

"Of course I am! Even if you two aren't dating, he's still our friend, Harry."

Harry sat back stunned before looking down at the table. He glanced over at the book Hermione had left open and stiffled a surprised chuckle that had almost forced itself out.

The book was left on a page of Ancient Runes and Symbols. She had circled the one marked as angelic power and the other symbol marked
as fertility and he blanched. Cedric's tattoo matched one of those perfectly and it had nothing to do with angels. Harry forced a smile onto his face as he sat back again and decided to peel Cedric from the library chair.

"You can handle sitting here 'til 'Mione gets back, can't you, Ron?" Harry asked while standing up. His friend looked up then over at Cedric as if he hadn't even realized they were still there. He had told Harry before Cedric gave him the creeps. The ravenette nodded at his friend again when Ron turned abruptly away before dragging the elder Hufflepuff behind him. He smiled to himself.

Draco was faring better than Harry thought he would. He thought about maybe just breaking up with Cedric and stopping all the tricks, but he decided against it when he remembered how smug the pale boy is going to look when they finally did get back together.

Maybe he could drag this out a little longer. He smiled wider as he pulled Diggory along. Some games were just too fun.

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