River Of Tears

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Prompt: Abby Griffin has had a sudden death and Clarke is completely beside herself. Her nightmares have gotten incredibly worse these past few days and Bellamy is trying to comfort her through this horrible time.

Clarke screams out, murderously, from her slumber. It doesn't take Bellamy more than a moment to cradle his heroic arms around her in bed. Sheets tossed to the side. Tears are flowing down Clarke's cheeks. Making rivers in between and around her freckles. "Shhhh" Bellamy soothes. His lips close to her ear. "It's alright. I'm here."

Clarke whimpers. Abby, her mother, her best friend, her mentor, had passed on only a week ago. And it's taken everything in Clarke to keep herself together. And for the most part, she's doing incredible. Except at night, when the bad dreams come into play and she's caught in a game of cat and mouse. However, she's playing both rolls. And that's why Bellamy is here. She asked him to stay the past few nights. To keep her safe. If anyone was an expert on how to protect Clarke, it's was definitely, without a doubt, Bellamy Blake.

After Clarke's father was floated, she had nightmares, relieving that moment. Same kinda thing that's going on right now. Guilt fuelling her as if maybe there was something she could've done. Maybe she could've stopped it. Maybe she could've ran out and prayed to whatever God or commander in the sky for them to please 'take me instead'. Abby may have not been floated, but it was equally traumatic for Clarke, and everyone involved. Everytime Clarke closed her eyes all she could see was her mother seizing on the cold floor of Becca's lab. Her body shaking so vigorously that you could hardly tell it was her. Abby was foaming at the mouth. And Clarke immidagely called out for Jackson as she ran to her mothers side, trying to control the foaming and her tears and every thought running through her mind. "Mom" Clarke whimpered. The same whimper that would follow her every night.

Bellamy wraps his arms tightly around her waist. Trying to portray all the love he had for this woman into a hug without using any words at all. Clarke's breath steadies and she grasps on to Bellamy's hand. She swivelled within his arms and tucked her head in the crook of his neck. Bellamy had never met a woman like Clarke. No one as brave or strong or selfless. She was one of a kind. And that's what he loved so much about her.

Clarke ran her hand down his cotton t shirt, he could feel her fingertips shaking against the fabric. "I can't do this Bellamy." She breathes out harshly. Her voice breaking. For Bellamy to see Clarke so weak was hard. Bellamy may inspire the people of Arkadia, but Clarke inspires him.

"You're not expected to." He tried calming her. However, he had no idea what to say.

"Why do I lose everyone I love?" She cried out. "Is it something I did? Am I being punished? First my father, then Finn, Lexa, my mom... who is next? Each one as traumatic as the next. I can't handle this, Bell." She took a deep breath and her chest quivered. For a moment all she can think about is Bellamy. The beautiful boy who lay beside her. When Clarke said 'who is next' she didn't mean it as a question. She meant it as Bellamy better not be next. She couldn't afford to lose Bellamy. Not now, not ever. Clarke's hand lightly pounded on his chest. He could feel the anxiety run through her and fill the air around them. The Ark was made of small spaces and small rooms and small beds. Everything was small and contained. And although Bellamy Blake was in a small room made of metal and with air that chilled his spine at night, he wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

Correction: He wouldn't rather be with anyone else.

Bellamy tangled his fingers through her hair, admiring every angle of her angelic face. The lightly coloured mole that sit softly above her top lip. A cut scanning over her left eyebrow from an incident a few days ago. Her eyelashes flutter so slightly from her body internally shaking. Her lips pursed so tightly he wonders if she can feel them at all. She was a good person. She didn't deserve this.

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