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My lids flew open as I grew irritated hearing multiple explotions from outside. I groaned, trying to ignore the sounds by further burrying my ears deeper into the pillow, yet as expected my effort were put to waste as the noises from the explotions is still clear to my ears.

Although hesitant, I decided to get off my bed to find what the ruckus is all about. I can't sleep anyway so I should be better off knowing what the fuck is going on. My eyebrews twitch as everyone within the Slytherin house has gone outside from the time I got off my bed. It's fucking midnight for Merlin's sake!

"What the fuck is going--- woaw." Almost every student was outside seeing magical fireworks above the skies, the stars that made the sky usually so beautiful isn't visible anymore with all the colorful lights desplayed above us.

"You didn't saw the start it was beautiful." I turned my head to see Todoroki smiling fondly at the view which was incredibly rare. I blink watching the fireworks with him. We may have been most of the time together but I rarely see him smile. I wonder how much girls would pay if I sell his pictures smiling.

And soeaking of girls there are some giggling at his other side.

"It's already 12 in the evening, that makes Kirishima's birthday right?" Oh yeah, the gang usually celebrates it with butterbeer everytime someone has a birthday.

I couldn't see any Gryffindor because of the dark though.


"The fireworks last night was permitted according to Head Master Toshinori." I glance at Kaminari as he uttered that as we continue to gain attention from a bunch of first years to see rival houses together. Others likely already got used to this sight. We've been together since third year aftet all.

Before the entrace of the dining hall we stop on our tracks seeing a familiar greenette with her snowy owl above her head. If my own wasn't with me I would certainly mistaken that owl to be mine. Kiku has been wuite scared because of the explotions last night.

"Izuku?" Her attention was taken from the owl toward her childhood friend as she smiled walking forward. It seems like she has been waiting for him.

"Good morning!" She greeted us first as Todoroki nodded before she gaze over Kirishima.

"Happy birthday!" She beamed giving him a tiny card. We stop for a moment wanting to see what's inside the card only to see 8 words. Our jaws fell.

"You were the one responsible for the fireworks last night?!" And everyone in the dining hall turned their head toward our direction as her face burned red.

"Eijirou Kirishima, why does your voice have to be loud? And your welcome anyway." She giggled a bit quite embarrassed from the stares she's getting. I could imagine how much effort she made for those fireworks Good God!

"That was certainly impressive." Todoroki commented as I rolled my eyes, smooth little slick.

"It wasn't much really! For a friend who had always been there!"

"I could imagine your effort as a girlfriend." Sero pointed out as she laugh.

"She needs a luttle effort she only needs to take---."

"Silencio." And Mineta shut up.

"What was he trying to say?"

"No his voice is dangerous!"


"No way, real gentlemen are the ones who should show effort. Not most of the tome but yeah... Anyway, I'll go now." She bid her farewell awkwardly walking away as we stop Mineta from following her. He is not going to sit anywhere near her!

"Hey Izuku!" She stop for a second as Kirishima grinned at her.

"You did it for me okay? Don't care what others think." She smiled as she nodded. For Kirishima saying that, I kinda concluded that she's self concious... Always bothered by what others think of her.

After that revealation just now... Certainly she will be judged secretly.


"What's so great about her anyway?! Such a show off!"

"Just because she's the daughter of the head of the Minestry of Magic she can do as she pleases!"

"And oh God, did you see how she's always around the boys? Seriously!"

Yup I saw this coming.

I and Todoroki were discussing something in the common room when the girls suddenly started backbiting her. As expected.

"Who does she think she is? Such a god damned bitch wanting to take attention!" They stop talking as they saw the both of us, staring at them.

"If yer fucking jealous of the attention she's getting why not ask permission so you can make the sky explode to." I glared at the girls as they took a step back.

"Shut it you filthy mudblood!"

"Oh, I am a mudblood and you know what? I'm still fucking better than you." I stood up smirking as she hissed.

"They're not worth it Bakugou." Todoroki uttered and with the the girl's lips began to tremble. Of course, she obviously has a huge crush on Todoroki, I wouldn't wonder that she's the one that gave him love potion stained chocolates back then.

"Damn you Bakugou Katsuki!"

"Chance with the love of your life falls zero." I laugh as she looks like she wanted to slap me. The other girls with her tried to pull her away as I just snickered. I watch them going into their rooms as I savoured my victory.

"Nice of you to defend her."

"I wasn't defending hetr, I was just pointing out how much of a bitch they are."

"Really?" He raise a brew.

"Look, Todoroki, I don't fucking like her like you do so don't be a deepshit about it."

"Your amortia earlier smells like strawberries." My face burned red.

"She smells like strawberries..."

"So what? Can't I be inlove with food?"

"Food can't return feelings."

"They don't break your heart!" He laugh at my statement looking at me in desbelief.

"She's just really different... She looks at me with only admiration, as if looking at a hero not like those girls who wants to die for my attention. " Arrogant bastard. "Somehow, when she look at me that way I wanted to change the look in her eyes."

What happened to him?!

"You're gross Todoroki."

"Oh, you will like someone and you'd know what I'm talking about." I rolled my eyes, shutting my book before standing up. I went toward our room later on merely waving at him.

"Yeah yeah, see ya in bed."



Not by Blood : (Fem!Deku x Kacchan BNHA x Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now