Chapter Two

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Loki P.O.V

     After leaving Melanie at the gala, it was time for me to hunt down the man who had betrayed me. I went back to the location of the intended meeting in hopes he had changed his mind. This would've resulted with me sparing his life, but unfortunately after I had changed from my formal attire to a more sinister looking ensemble and arrived at the location, the man was nowhere to be found. I tracked him to a small decaying motel where upon opening the door I found him sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. He held a cigarette in one hand and an almost empty bottle of whiskey in the other. So he had been aware that missing a meeting with me would end very badly and it most certainly was. I approached the man who only stared as I slung out my blade and held it to his neck.

   "Do you know what I am about to do to you?" I growled into his ear, my blade rested on his neck.

   "You are going to kill me," He said, seeming completely at peace with the notion.

   "That, my dear man, is only partially correct. You WILL die, but not before I get every piece of information out of your feeble brain," I walked behind him, keeping my knife tucked under his unshaven chin, "I have a few questions that I must ask you and with each answer I will cut off a small piece of flesh, "his arms tightened on the chair, "By the time I am done with my questions, if you are not already dead, I will give you a sliver of information on myself. Now, let's begin."

   With every question I asked, the man had no tolerable answer to give. He received the package intended for me at the airport the day before our meeting, but somehow he lost it in transit from there to here. As the man told me this I grew more and more agitated. Finally, after he had been flayed like a fish and was surprisingly still able to cry out, I stopped my slicing and gave my bit of information to him.

   "As I can see, you are still alive and my questions are finished. I will tell you a piece of information not many on this planet know. You will know who has killed you is no ordinary man. I want you to ask me who I am," I said, standing high ready to say my favorite words to the damned. My now bloodied blade ready to deliver the final slice.

   "w-who are you," The man whimpered, looking into my eyes.

   "I am Loki, God of Mischief, from Asgard and I am burdened with a most glorious purpose!" I shouted as the man whimpered and cried for me to spare him. I slid my blade along his jugular letting what was left of his blood supply pool on the cheap carpet below.

   He was still making a gurgling noise as I closed the motel door behind me, satisfied with my work. Now I had only a couple of hours until my meeting with Melanie. I would have to change out of my newly ruined suit quickly.

Melanie P.O.V

      My father and I left the party an hour after I parted with Loki. We said goodbye to several new clients of my father, or rather he did while I stood behind smiling and nodding not caring about any of it. My mind was already to the night ahead when I could see him again. 

   When we arrived back at the mansion, I rushed upstairs to my room and straight to my closet doors. I knew the exact dress that would suffice for the dinner. The dress I had worn to the party last night was very pretty, but it covered most of my good parts which I didn't want to hide from such a handsome man as Loki. I know that probably makes me sound like a complete slut, but I didn't want him thinking that I was some shy insecure little girl. I wanted to show him just how sexy and sophisticated I knew I could be. Once the dress was laid out with shoes to match sitting next to it, I tried to get some sleep so the bags under my eyes would at least be a little less dramatic. 

   With only around 4 hours of sleep to go on, I sat down at my vanity to apply my makeup. Exhaustion was starting to seep into my limbs, but I quickly shook it away as I applied the most Smokey eye makeup I had ever dared wear making me look older than my 23 year old self, but that was a good thing. Most times I looked like a teenager and I did NOT  want to look like a little girl tonight. Once I was done with my face, I moved to my hair. I hadn't touched it since the party so it was still braided tight to my head in a halo. When I let it down there was a wave to it which looked so good I just had to smile at the luck. I just teased it a little, adding some volume, and voilà I already looked like a sexy badass woman. I took my dress off the hanger and slipped it over my head gingerly so I didn't ruin my hair or face. As I zipped the side up and looked into the mirror it was like I was staring through to a parallel universe where I was the popular club going girl who never came home before 1am. I had never looked this mysterious in my life; it made me wonder just what this Loki guy was actually doing to me that I would change so much in the course of twenty four hours. Right as I was about to open my bedroom door to leave, my father came though and looked startled when he saw what I was wearing.

   "Going out again?" he asked.

   "Oh I'm just going with some friends to a...a club downtown. I met them at the business party last night and they invited me. I thought it would be nice to go to my own party for once," I shrugged.

   "I suppose you're right. You hardly ever go out with friends anymore. I'm glad to see you've made some. Should I expect you home in the morning?" My father said as blandly as ever.

"Yes, I think that's about right. Goodnight Dad," I said as I stepped past him and started down the stairs.

   "Goodnight." He called back.

   I grabbed my purse and keys and went to meet Loki. It was already kind of late. I just hoped he hadn't been waiting for me for long. He didn't seem like the man you kept waiting.


What will happen when Melanie gets to The Otter? Is Loki planning something for her? 

Sorry these first few chapters aren't so long but I promise they get longer and more intense

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