Chapter four

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This story has been rewritten as of 2020. Please be mindful comments may not go with whatever is being said in the story, so do not be confused. Enjoy :)


Putting his phone fully back into his pocket after the ghost left, he zipped it up before reaching out for the food, hands feeling toasty warm from the plate. Lloyd hated to admit that it felt nice, especially coming from someone who only wanted to hurt them, but he couldn't really complain. Pulling the dish further in, he placed it next to Zane, reaching a hand out to grasp at his uninjured shoulder, shaking it gently. "I don't know if your healing program has finished yet, but I know for a fact that eating normally helps you more too, so c'mon, wake up." 

Blue eyes fluttered open to stare blankly at him before life came into them as they rebooted, as it usually did when he was injured. "Was I out for long?" He reached a metal hand to rub at his face - the blood coating it probably making him feel dirty or itchy. 

"No, sorry... Uh, while you were out, I talked to the group - they're following the location on the phone, and also-" He pointed at the food set carefully besides them. "Another ghost dropped food off. It's still warm too." 

Zane let out a pained breath, curling around his chest protectively as he shivered violently. "I don't mind eating when it get's cold - I really think I should just sleep, Lloyd." 

Picking up the warm bread, he shoved it into the nindroid's open mouth, the ninja gaping in shock as he held it there, waiting for him to take it from his hands. "As your leader, I command you to eat then." 

Chuckling around the food, he reached up a shaky hand, grabbing it. Lloyd let go, satisfied with his choice to force the very submissive ninja rather than submit to him, which sounded rather stupid the more he thought about it. Zane took a small bite. "But isn't Cole the leader?" The tone wasn't sassy or a comeback, it was just a statement really. 

The green ninja had to hide a smile as he reached for one of the other slices because it was true - Cole was technically the leader, though over time Kai had sort of taken the role, and then him. However when he thought about it, he and Kai had only done it part time - the Earth ninja had stood steady for them for years. 

This all didn't matter now - Zane was eating, this was good. It was going alright, they were going to be fine. 

He hoped..

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