Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Travis’s POV:

We’re taking today to drive to Zurich which gave us 2 days to see what’s there. I’ve never been there before so that should be interesting. I don’t know how I didn’t notice that Joey fancies Sofia, he always seems so comfortable around her and their friendship is something wonderful because they make each other so happy.  Max and Cole have been having brotherly arguments for the past few hours, nothing major but childish, sibling like arguments.

 I love being on tour because we get to release our inner children that we never stopped being. Just last night, Cole and I had a food fight, throwing things like flour at each other, leaving the cleaners of the hotel something to do today.  Max had pulled over for petrol so we all took advantage of this and went to buy food. Once we were re-stocked on Malteasers, we set off again, blasting Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’s album ‘The Heist’ off of Sofia’s phone. Their music is a completely different style to ours, but it always makes everyone feel so damn happy!

A few hours later we approached the Swiss boarder which we passed with no problems. As we got deeper in to the country, we began to see more of the mountains that towered over us. The sun shone over the massive blue lake that was along side the road and made Switzerland’s beauty stand out even more. We started seeing signs for Zurich and I began to get more excited. We were playing a small place with a capacity of something like 200 people. I honestly never thought we would make it out of California, let alone to Europe!

Eventually we got to Zurich and found our hotel.

“Hey Travis, can I talk to you for a moment?” I heard a soft voice say from behind me.

“Sure, what’s up Sofia?” I asked her, hanging back so everyone else could get ahead.”

“There’s something about Joey that just makes me happier than I have ever been. I feel so comfortable around him and he’s so sweet.” She began. I looked at her in shock which I shouldn’t have done.

“Shit, why did I say anything. What was I thinking? He obviously doesn’t feel the same.” She said obviously hurt. I didn’t want to tell her how Joey felt because he’d slaughter me if he found out.

“Actually Sofia, I don’t know how he feels about anyone.” I lied.

“Oh, well there is one issue…” She trailed off.

“What would that be?” I asked whilst starting to walk towards the hotel.

“Well… Alex.” She said almost inaudibly. I could tell she was getting nervous just at the thought of him. I pulled her in for a hug to comfort her.

“Don’t worry about that prick.” I said, smiling at her, she smiled back and we made our way to the hotel room where everyone else was. Knowing Sofia felt the same about Joey made me kinda happy, but Alex, the little bitch, has to stop everything.”

Joey’s POV:

We were all unpacking our stuff into our separate bedrooms when I heard a knock at my door; I turned around to see Sofia stood there with her camera.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I asked trying to be as casual as possible but inside there were a million butterflies in my stomach. This girl made me so happy it’s unreal.

“Good thanks, you?” she replied placing herself on the corner of my bed.

“I’m very good thanks.” I said whilst hanging some shirts up.

“I was wondering if you’ll come see some of Zurich with me and get a coffee or something.” My heart stopped for a second. Sofia wants to spend time with just me, how could I say no?

“Of course, let me just hang up these last couple of shirts.” I responded while I contained my excitement.

As Sofia and I walked out of the hotel, we realised we had no idea where we were going.

“Why don’t we get the train to the centre and see what’s there?” I asked, Sofia agreed and we found the nearest train station. We had to wait a few minutes for our train. I kept thinking of how much I wanted to ask her out, but being the emotionless zombie my face shows me as, it was going to be difficult to show her how much she means to me.

The train journey was nothing special, but it did take us to the cobble streets of Zurich. We walked around, Sofia took some awesome pictures and then we decided to go and find a Starbucks. Once we’d eventually found one, we ordered and took our seats.

“What do you think to Zurich?” she asked, clearly enjoying herself.

“I think it’s awesome, what about you?” I replied, happy to finally be able to spend time with her.

“I’ve actually been once before with my family before my mum left, but not recently. It’s still as cool as I remember.” She said avoiding eye contact.

“It’s okay to be upset. If you ever need anything, you know I’m always gonna be here.” I stated, giving her a small smile. Once we’d finished our drinks we decided to keep walking for a bit longer.

We discovered some places to eat we’d tell everyone else about and just had nice conversations which made me realise how amazing Sofia really is. She’s literally the emotionally strongest person I know, she’s gone through so much shit she doesn’t deserve to have been through and handles it so well.

“Do you think I should tell the others?” She asked cautiously.

“If you think that’s best.” I replied sympathetically.

“I want them to know but I don’t know what to say.” She said, I knew exactly how she feels.

“I’ll leave it until I feel I need to tell them.” She decided as we made our way back to the station.

“Sofia?” we heard a voice say from behind us.

“Oh my God, no way! Noah I can’t believe it!” She replied excitedly. Noah hugged Sofia as they clearly hadn’t seen each other in a while. After catching up, Sofia explained who he was.

“We stayed with his family when we last came here. His family were friends with ours until everything kicked off. Noah and I kept in touch over Facebook and stuff but we hadn’t seen each other until just then.” Sofia explained almost without taking a breath. I laughed at her dramatic explanation and we went back to our hotel.

Everything today was more or less perfect. Doing everything with Sofia and watching her get so excited about reuniting with her childhood friend. Noah seemed like a decent guy, but I felt something was worrying Sofia. All I know is that whatever happens to her, I’ll always be by her side.

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