black veil brides (Andy Biersack love story)

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Chapter 1

I woke, pushing my light blonde hair out of my face, climbing out of bed and treading lightly into the lounge, careful not to make too much noise so as not to wake Sophie next door. I boiled the kettle, setting up my mug for tea, once made; I sipped the boiling liquid walking back into my bedroom and slipping under the covers, pulling my laptop onto my lap, my tea now on the bedside table. I checked my email, bill, advert, facebook, oh! I opened the interesting email and read…


Guess what, I found you a job! It’s a little different from usual, but at least you could move out of Sophie’s and quit your current job! You get accommodation, food and everything, you’d be a merch girl, my friends mate hooked you up, c’mon, give it a try, it will be worth it, plus you will be on the road with some band, don’t know the name, just do it okay?


I smiled, he was so adorable, he was my brother, and constantly protective, I emailed back saying I’d take it, anything would be better than what I had currently.

I lived with my friend Sophie, but she was always with her boyfriend, and didn’t really pay much attention to anything else. I had moved in with her to get away from my ex-boyfriend, who had gotten… clingy, to say the least. My job was a sales assistant at a fancy boutique in the city, the pay was good but not enough to live off, this seemed like a good opportunity, I needed a break from the repetitive life I currently held.

It only took half an hour for Jamie to respond, I checked my other mails and twitter etc in the mean time, I heard the familiar whoosh noise that told me that I had a new email and opened it, reading the response.

Awesome! Cool, just talked to my friends friend, he said that they will pick you up tomorrow to sort out all the legal shit, his words not mine, you two are going to get on just great I think, you will be on the road for 3 months, and they will provide food and stuff, so don’t worry about that, get packing, the tour comes to phoenix so I will meet up with you then okay?

Love you


I smiled, Jamie was a successful banker, though you wouldn’t think it, he was cool and loved rock and roll, we had both grown up in Phoenix and he had stayed, while I moved to LA to pursue dreams that didn’t seem to be going anywhere, but I was having fun and only being 20, there was no immediate pressure.

I heard Sophie fall onto the floor next door and went to see what was up.

Sophie was on the floor rubbing her head,half the bedding falling off the bed and her hair was all messed up.

“Rough night?” I asked, laughing at her expression, she half smiled giving me evils I just laughed.

“Oh, shut up you” she said smiling, this was a good mood for her, she was actually listening to me, I took my opportunity.

“So… I got a job, but I will have to move out, but I will leave most of my stuff here, if that’s okay” I said, helping her to her feet and throwing her a dressing gown, she looked confused, walking to the kitchen, me following.

“Cool, what job is it?” she asked, grabbing eggs.

“Merch girl for some band, just a good break after everything” I said, sitting on the worktop, she elbowed me off, laughing I smiled flicking on the TV and flipping channels.

“Cool, when do you leave?”

“Tomorrow” I said, noticing her shocked face “I know it’s soon but I will call and text and all that shit, Kay?” I said, hugging her, she smiled and offered to help me pack, I accepted and once she had finished her breakfast we went to my room and started filling a suitcase, making banter about how attractive this band was going to be.

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