Chapter 1

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~Trixies POV~

Today is my day off, but Alexandra requested to see me, Christopher's daughter (my boyfriend) so I'm going to pick her up in a couple of minutes. Her father has done a good job with her but she is growing fast and now needs some new clothes and seen as that's my area of expertise I thought why not take her out shopping. I don't want to replace her biological mother but I'd love it if we got on, she seems like a very sweet girl. 

As I went to go pick her up, I saw her waiting outside with a lovely sweet dress and a little purse with her hair all plated back. I asked her father if we could go shopping for clothes in town, Alexandra jumped up and down with excitement as her father accepted by kissing me sweetly on the cheek, and giving me a little money for his daughter.

When we arrived in town I noticed her eyes widen:

-" Have you already come here before to shop?

I asked.

-No, my father is too busy to bring me into town...All my clothes come from my mother from when she was little or my cousins that have now grown up.

-Well, heres hoping you'll have a blast with me and if we have enough money I'll get you an ice cream at the end."

Our day in town finished we went back to Nonnatus house, to wait for Christopher who was going to pick his daughter up after his shift. After inviting Alexandra upstairs, they both went to Trixie's room and found Patsy and Delia giggling on Delia's bed. The others must of heard because everyone rushed into our room.  We all giggled to some music and Alexandra showed off her new clothes, but obviously I did not come out of town without anything,I showed off my new bikini which were still rare, as I had it on sister Julianne and Christopher came into the room, I ran into the bathroom and quickly got my clothes back on. As I got out Patsy and Delia told me that Christopher and his daughter were downstairs waiting to say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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