Chapter 10

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~Joanna’s Point of View~

Have you ever had the feeling that reality felt like a dream? I mean, you know, you’re awake, but you feel as if you’re dreaming. No? Hmmm, well how about that faintly feeling you get when you’re really tired or very hungry? That light headed feeling that you seem to be somehow disconnected with your body, numb all over. Yes? Well, that’s exactly how I felt as we flew through the flaming hoop. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of emotions if possible came crashing down on me in that limited amount of time, making it hard to breathe. Huh, who knows? Maybe I had a panic attack or something, but the overall experience was to say the least overwhelming. Something that I wouldn’t like to relive ever again, if I could help it possible of course.  


Finally I felt us hit the other ramp safely and the crowd boomed with cheer, though I kept my eyes tightly shut. Holy cheeses and rice, no words could ever describe how much I want to get off this freaking thing. Never, ever do I want to experience that again. Ever. Certain memories that I’ve buried for years popped in my mind. I shook my head, clearing them away quickly as they’ve appeared. Those memories should be locked up in Pandora’s Box, never to be opened.  The motorbike continued moving and attained its way to the middle of everything where Tristan opened the “show”.

I heard Satan Junior say vaguely, “Christ, will you stop ripping my sides. We’re on the ground now.”

I grudgingly opened my eyes and withdrew my talon like fingers shakily from their grip. I whispered a faint sorry that I knew he didn’t hear. Hands still shaky I took my helmet off. God, I do not feel good. Cold breeze met me instantly and it’s like exposing your naked flesh during a snow blizzard. I thought the cold was supposed to do you good? Why is the complete opposite happening now?

Crowd still cheering and fist pumping, Satan Junior turned his head around with a very toothy grin, helmet off, obviously, as he propped up the motorcycle with his left leg and said with a bucket of excitement, “Do you seem them? They’re cheering for us!”

I nodded my head and mumbled a weak reply that went along the lines of, yeah sure or something that was supposed to mean I agreed with him.

Suddenly his face turned serious, “Hey, you ok?” He asked.

In a daze I looked up and nodded. Shakily I tried to get myself off of the bike not expecting my legs to be more wobbly than jelly as it made contact to the steady ground. Ok, I’m getting scared now. Positive thinking and whishing didn’t make the faint feeling go away. God, if anything, I think it’s stronger now than it was before.

Darkness crept in slowly swallowing my vision. Damn! This is scary shit! Not only that was happening but I felt heavy, like someone just flipped a switch to make gravity more intense. Drifting, I’m drifting away. Yeah, that’s it. I’m drifting away! Hah! At least I know now what was happening.

“Joanna?” someone was saying but it sounded like his voice was from a faraway distance.

“Yo, Lady!” it persuaded.

“Joanna?” It repeated over and over again. Then suddenly something that I never thought Joanna Martin would ever do again in her life did the unthinkable. The darkness finally won and the gravity got too much for me to fight it any longer. Besides, I was fighting a losing battle from the start to begin with anyway.

My stupid jelly like knees gave.

Damn. Even in a fucked up mind I thought how badly this impact was going to hurt. This really isn’t my day! My groggy mind apprehensively prepared my body for the collision to the ground but it never came. Instead a pair of arms met me and a faint smell of delicious after shave.

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