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Dedicated to tiffanycr on Fanfiction.net who said, "If you could make 3 or 4 babies in the meantime, that would be highly appreciated." I saw that and thought, 'hey, this is a great idea.' So here you go.

Chapter Title/Inspiration: Home by Three Days Grace


Jōnin-Age 32

The sound of a child's giggle could be heard throughout the Hatake residence as Sakura finished folding laundry. A smile tugged at her lips as she carried the basket upstairs to her 5 year old's room.

As she got closer, faint thumping sounds made themselves apparent, the giggling getting louder. Sakura quietly set the basket down on the floor and crept towards the source of the rukus.

Her features softened at the scene before her. Her silver-haired husband was lying on his stomach as their child sat on his back, fists raised in silent triumph.

Biting back the laughter that threatened to come out, Sakura leaned against the doorway and crossed her arms over her chest. "I thought I told you boys no roughhousing inside."

Sakura let out a laugh as her son jumped and fell ungracefully off of Kakashi, who was chuckling himself.

The young boy glanced between his parents, a pout growing on his face. "What's so funny?"

Sakura's laughter soon faded as she walked towards her son and gently laid a hand atop his silver head. "Oh nothing. But isn't it past your bedtime young man?"

"But mom-"

"Now, now. Don't argue with your mother, Sakumo," Kakashi intervened. He sat up, bringing himself eye level with the boy.

Sakumo's shoulders slumped, green eyes dulling a bit. "Okay dad," he sighed.

"Mah, don't be like that. How about you go brush your teeth and I tell you a story before bed, hm?"

Kakashi smiled as Sakumo's eyes lit up before he rushed down the hall towards the bathroom, Sakura following him to finish putting away the laundry. He was back a few minutes later and immediately jumped into bed, waiting patiently for Kakashi to fulfill his promise.

"Someone's eager," Kakashi chuckled, scooting a chair to the bedside. "So, any special requests?"

"I want to hear about the White Fang!" Sakumo declared.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

He watched as the boy furiously shook his head up and down. "Please dad! It's my favorite one!"

"Alright, Alright, but this time it's going to be a little bit different. Long ago, there was a shinobi, one rumored to be as strong, if not, stronger than the Legendary Sannin-"

"I still can't believe that he's stronger than Tsunade baa-chan!" Sakumo interjected.

"Who's telling the story here?" Kakashi asked. When Sakumo quieted down, he continued. "Anyways, he was feared by many all across the nations. He was also very famous in the village," he glanced back at the child. "But what you don't know is... he was your grandfather."

Sakumo's eyes widened. "R-really? I'm related to the White Fang?"

"Indeed." Kakashi's eyes softened as he got lost in thought. "He was my hero. Ever since I first learned how to walk, I wanted to be just like him."

"Can-can you tell me what he's like?"

Kakashi reached over and ruffled the boy's silver hair. "Of course." He leaned back in his chair. "He was a very kind man, always giving without expecting anything in return. And he was loyal, meaning he would never turn his back on his comrades."

"Where is he now? Can I meet him?"

Kakashi sighed as he moved to sit on the bed. He put an arm around Sakumo's shoulders. "I'm sorry kiddo, but your grandfather... he-he's no longer alive."

Sakumo's eyes fell down to look at his lap. "Oh," he murmured. He glanced back up towards Kakashi. "I'm sorry dad."

Kakashi smiled softly and raised his hand to rest in on Sakumo's head. "Don't worry about it. It happened a long time ago." He leaned against the wall. "Although, I wish you could have met him. I'm sure he would've loved you."

Sakumo yawned and Kakashi glanced down. The boy's eyes were drooping slightly and his breathing was beginning to even out.

He slowly got off the bed and pulled the bedsheets over the boy's frame and kissed Sakumo's forehead, his thumb brushing some of the silver strands back.

Kakashi quietly made his way out the room before turning off the lights and closing the door behind him.

He immediately heard the faint sound of shuffling down the hall and proceeded to follow the sound towards his and Sakura's bedroom. When he reached the doorway, he caught sight of the pinkette slowly walking out of the bathroom with her head down, her face hidden behind her bubblegum locks.

At first, Kakashi thought nothing of it, but when he saw a single tear fall and imprint on the carpet, concern gripped at him. "Sakura?" he said, moving closer to her. "Sakura, what's wrong?"

When he reached her still frame, he rest a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him.

He expected to be met with a look of grief, anguish even. But her expression held none of that as her eyes sparkled with wetness, a certain warmth appearing and her lips were curved upwards in a shaky smile.

"Kakashi..." Sakura breathed, her head leaning forward to rest on Kakashi's chest and her arms wrapping around him.

He couldn't stop the overwhelming sense of panic that rose as she stayed quiet. "Sakura, really! Are you-"

"I'm pregnant."

Kakashi froze at her words, eyes widening as he tilted Sakura's head up to meet his gaze. "W-what did you say?" he stuttered.

Sakura let out a soft laugh. "I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby-are you okay? You're a little paler than usual."

Indeed, Kakashi's skin was as white as paper as he stared at the woman in front of him. "You-we-I... I need to sit down." Kakashi wheezed, backing up to the bed before dropping down. His eyes never left Sakura's as he tried to process the news.

"Surprise? Geez, if I knew you were going to freak out this much I would have prepared you for this," Sakura said, rolling her eyes as she approached Kakashi's still form. "Do you need some water?" Her eyes narrowed, "or something stronger? Maybe an aspirin or two?"

Kakashi took a deep breath as the overwhelming shock wore off. "I-I'm fine." His gaze dropped down to her stomach, the faint outline of a bump that would grow overtime showing. He slowly reached out to rest his hand on her slightly protruding belly, a small smile starting to form on his lips.

"I have to say," Sakura said, placing her hand over Kakashi's, "you handled this better than when I told you I was pregnant with Sakumo."

"It wasn't that bad," Kakashi defended, eyes still trained on Sakura's stomach.

"You fainted the first time," Sakura deadpanned. "You were out for almost an hour."

"Half an hour," he argued, glancing at her.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "The point is you fainted."

Kakashi chuckled and pushed himself up onto his feet. He cupped her face, and pressed a kiss to her temple, nose, and then her lips. Pulling away, Kakashi rested his head against hers.

"I love you," he said quietly.

Sakura smiled softly. "I love you too."


I absolutely live for KakaSaku children.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and until next time!

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