Chapter 1: My Life

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I never knew my life would end up like this sick in a bed, I can't even get out of my house I have to be stuck in here. And the worst part is I can't be with the love of my life Lucas, we love each other so much but I can't go out and be with him like a normal girlfriend would do, cause something bad could happen to me In any moment.

So I have to be in this bed taking medication and wishing for all this to go away, wishing I could go out and be like a normal person but I can't.

Yes I know you might be wondering how did you end up like this??? To be honest I can't really remember cause I forced my self to forget the horrific memory, I know I still have that memory somewhere in my head but I'm sure it's locked up somewhere in their in a cage. And no one can open it but me and I'm not planning to open it ever only if I really have to but I'd really hate to do it. I hate being in this situation but what can i do try to live my life to the fullest yeah that's it. Life can get hard but I hang on tight and I'm still here.

You might also be wondering then if I can't got out and I have to stay in all day what do I do???? Well let me answer that when Im home I watch t.v or I watch YouTube or I have adult coloring books to keep me busy. You also might be asking do I get depressed??? I do sometimes and I doubt things in life but I get over it.

Even though I said the memory how I got sick was a memory I forced my self to forget and put in a cage. i'm still going to tell you guys how this all began how I ended up where I am now.

I know this first chapter is short but chapter 2 is going to be better so just keep on wait cause chapter 2 coming soon hope I guys like this new book I wrote!!!!

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