Chapter 1 The Dream:

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 Blood. Blood is running down the walls. It seems like there's gallons of splattered all over. A crippled body laid on the floor, the owner to all the crimson gore. It was a girl, dressed in her best dress, with long curly black hair, a heart shaped locket around her neck. This girl's wrist were cut deep, blood is still leaking out from them.

 On the gore covered walls the words 'I'm sorry.' are messily written. A revoler is locked in her hand, her index finger holding the trigger. This scene was all too familer, this one gore filled scene has plagued me for four years. This was the suicide scene of my best friend, Luna Micheals. The heart locket I gave to her on her birthday, just a week before her death. She turned twelve, I was thirteen. Luna never showed any signs of depression, she was always happy faced, and smiling. At such a young age commiting suicide, it scared/shocked the community. But this one scene shocked her loved ones the most. I'm aware this scene is just replaying in my sleep, but this time is different.

 I see a clean, but faded, version of Luna lift up and out of the bloody, death covered Luna. This new Luna gets to her feet and stares at the dead her. Her baby blue eyes grow wide with fear and shock, does she not know she's dead? No, she knew she was dead, I'm guessing Luna didn't know how bloody she was. She turns to me, with tears clouding her eyes. '"I'm sorry, but by the time you hear this, I'm going to be a bloody mess." Luna begins. I know what she's reciting all too well. It's her suicide note.

 "Firstly I'd like to apoligize to Akira, you were my best friend, like a brother actually. I know you're going to be one of the people, who is going to be greatly hurt by this. But this is what I have to do. I'll meet you again in my next life." Luna continues. She always believed in reincarnation, she talked about this a lot. Luna always wanted to be a boy, I don't know why, she said she'd have purple eyes, semi long platinum blonde hair, and be really cute.

 "I want you to know, that even though you like boys, I love you. I always wanted to be your girlfriend, maybe one day, when I meet you again, I'll be with you." I started to tear up here. I never knew that she liked me that way. It's true I like boys, and yes I'm this guy, Akira. Luna stops reciting her note, I guess she'd only read my part. Now something strange happens. Luna's dress, turns into a dress shirt and pants, her long dark hair shortens and straightens out, the darkness of her hair is replaced with insane lightness, her eyes turn into a purple tone, her height increases a few inches, her features turn a little more boy like, and her voice changes deeper.

 "I know I'll meet you soon, Akira. Remember my face now, at this moment. I beg you, remember this face." Luna pleaded. I'm confused. What just happened? What was this male Luna talking about? I didn't have any time to ask questions, for my alarm clock from the real world, pulled me back to the living world.

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