Chapter 3 New kid:

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 "Sorry if I ruined your train of thought." this guy says, taking in the fact I look startled.

"I'm Skylar, Skylar Jacobson. I have this class for first period, and I asked around for where this class was. Some kids pointed you out and said to follow you. So I did." He continues blushing a little.

 Now I understand why the girls were giggling, Skylar looked about 5" 4' and I towered over him being 6" 2', which made him look like a lost child when he follwed me here. I just smile and laugh, but then quickly studied his face. Skylar had amazing purple eyes, which matched surpisingly well to his childlike face shape, his hair was insanely platinum blonde, just like in my nightmare, the length of his hair was long, but not too long, it came down about an inch below his ears. Over all he looked very cute.

"So you're Akira?" Skylar asked.

"How did you..?" I asked back. I haven't even told him my name yet.

"Oh! The people who pointed you out told me your name!" he replied quickly.

 I laugh a little, of couse they'd tell Skylar my name, why would you follow someone, that you don't even know their name in the least?

"So you're new around here, I think I'd remember a face as cute as yours." I teased.

I could see Skylar's cheeks flush into a bright scarlet color.

"I-I moved from a small town in Ohio." Skylar stuttered.

I knew I was embarrassing him, but he really was cute, I just couldn't help but flirt a little.

"So who are you gonna draw for this project?" Skylar asks, changing the subject.

 I sigh "Well I've thought about drawing my best friend who died, but then people would start worrying about me again. So I don't know."

Skylar seemed to have stiffen as I talked about Luna, I wonder why.

"O-oh. I see." he finally says.

It's obivous he's uncomfortable now, all because I metioned about Luna's death?

"Well, I could draw you, with all your adorable glory." I said flirtly back with a smile.

 Skylar's face quickly turned to a tomato tone. I was surpised, I didn't think my words could make someone blush like that.

"U-um." he started, unsure of what he was going to say.

"A-are...are you seeing anyone? D-don't asume I'm asking you out o-or anything! I'm just wondering." he stuttered.

 I smiled, I could see he was taking some attraction to me. But we only just met, although, Skylar had a look in his eyes, that seemed to show that he knew more about me, than I thought he did.

"No, I'm single, not to metion gay." I said with a flirty smile and a wink.

"Really!? So I have a chance?!" he blurts out, quickly covering his mouth, shocked he shouted that out. This made me laugh, a real laugh, not one of my flirty laughs. Skylar's face was now as red as it could be, so adorable.

 "Yes I am single, and you may have a chance." I replied with yet another wink, I only met him 5 minutes ago, yet I can already feel myself falling for him. Skylar, in all his scarlet faced glory, retreated to my table group, pulled out a pencil and paper, and started drawing, sneaking glances from the corner of his eyes. I laugh to myself and made my way over to the table, taking a seat next to Skylar. I already embarrassed him enough, so I just take a piece of paper, and wonder who I should draw.

 I glance over to Skylar's paper and I had to keep my jaw from dropping! This boy had some crazy drawing skills, he was drawing a sleeping boy, but not just any boy, it was me! It was strange though, it was back when I was 13, and it looked like a photograph. Just who exactly is Skylar Jacobson?

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