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After one years....


A lady is sitting on a bench. She is looking up in the sky.

"That day....huh... The one whom I loved the most after HER ....asked me to leave...."

Tears drop from her eyes. She breaks down. She looks at HER pic.

"She might have grown up. Maybe she would have started walking. I wish she didn't forget me... But HE must have forgotten me... He must have moved on... Why...why god...why do u do this... U separated me from the two loves of my life"

She hugs a pic and kisses it...



"Yes rooh..."

He was sitting on the sofa when his cute 2 years old daughter came near him. She had tears in her eyes and her face turned. Raman quickly wiped her tears and cupped her.

"Baccha what happened tell papa"

He picks her nd places her on his lap. She shows him a pic.

" I missh my mummaa"

She starts crying badly.


Hope the teaser is okay to tease u all😼😼

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