Chapter 4

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Saturday came and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this. "I'm so happy you're making friends."
"I know it isn't easy moving but you have a fresh start."
I sigh, "let's just hope I can keep those ones." I said staring at my parent's photo.
"I miss them too." She says soothing my back. I once again sigh, before jumping at the shocking vibration in my back pocket I look at the caller ID.
"It's her," I answer.

Vanessa- we out here

Aria- okay I'll be right out

I hang up and rush outside. I climb in and take a check the time on my phone. "So you said you got me a date."
Vanessa and Jake glare at each other.
"Should I tell her or you?" Vanessa grits her teeth as if she was upset.
"I'll tell her," Jake says sadly.
"Is it bad?" I ask.
"Umm...not really see what happened was."-

Friday night, Jake sits in a beanbag, that belonged to Nick's large room. Nick sitting by his desk, Xbox controller in hand playing call of duty. "So I was supposed to take Vanessa out, right?" Jake rhetorically asks Nick who could care less about Jake's problem speaks with a nod.
"Yeah, a huh."

"So she just texts me asking me if I know any guys I could find for Aria...because she feels sorry for her."
Nick nods, "yes!" Nick shouts as he takes out the enemy.
"Dude!" Nick pauses the game and switches the disc with 2k18.
"Well, you could've just told her no."
Jake nods, "but I really don't want to hurt her feelings or Aria. Aria tends to do this crazy eye thing when she's upset." Jake laughs.
"She does? I haven't noticed." Nick presses play.
"I told Her I don't...and now she's upset. This is stupid. Aria is pointless if I can be frank."
Nick pauses the game. "You are seriously no help." Jake spats.
"What do you expect it's my cousin she sees the good in people. And what if I go? I'll make sure Aria doesn't ruin your night."

Jake nods, "thanks, bro."

As we enter the Marcus theater I look around at the movie selections. Jake and Vanessa voted on The Fate Of The Furious. "Jake...Vaness!" Nick yells as he walks over towards us.
"Oh hey, Aria." I look at him oddly.
"Oh, guys be cool I thought it would be nice if I invited my friend Sara." He waves at Sara who pushes me out of the way as she walks past me.
I frown, "Hey Sara." I said.
"Yeah hey, who invited the wheel?" She says grimacing at me as if I didn't belong.

The whole time the movie was going I sat by myself bored and alone. They didn't even notice I was gone. I mean the movie was good but I couldn't stand them making noises the whole time. I made my way into Forever 21 and bought myself an outfit or two. Once I was out I noticed my phone was ringing and without looking I collided with this wall-like figure and fell on my ass.

"Oops, I'm sorry."
Quickly the eyelids of my eyes flicker as I gaze upon this guy. Tall and just gorgeous. He holds out his hand and I slowly slide my hand into his.
"It's fine...I-it was me."
He smiles, "I'm Derek by the way." From afar, across the mall the group looked-- watched my encounter with this stranger.

"I'm Aria." I giggle, "sorry I-I didn't...oh god I'm babbling on because I'm nervous."-

"'s cute...hey what school do you go to?" I laugh, "Waterton High."
He nods, "I go to Mackenzie high."
I nod, "can I get your number?" My jaw drops, "me? Oh, yeah sure." I take a pen out from my purse and write it down.
"See you around Aria." He winks.
"Bye." I wave, before noticing there was an audience.
"Oh hey, guys." I laugh.
"He was cute," Vanessa says almost drooling. "Vanessa!" Jake nudged her shoulder.
"What? He is."
I laugh, "how's that for a loser?" I ask staring at Jake.
"Yeah sorry for that."
Nick seemed too quiet for his own good. "Thanks for the date, Nick." Sara aggressively plasters her lips onto his, catching him off guard. She turns to me and walks up to me. "You think by you flirting with that guy will make him like you...well think again. You're just not pretty enough. Anyways see you at school." She pats my shoulder and skips off. I look away from them imagining what happened at my old school.

"Aria are you okay?"
I laugh, "me? I'm always okay."
Vanessa nods, "alright I'm gonna go shop with Aria for a while." She pulls me away. Derek returns and walks over towards Nick.

"Where's my money?" Jake glares at Nick pulls out a roll of cash and plants it into his hands.
"What? She was looking lonely. You even said it was sad."
Jake sighs, "Aria is going to hate you when she finds out."
Nick laughs. "She won't...because she'll be too happy to notice," Nick says popping his collar.

Once we've reached the parking lot. "Well, I'm taking Vanessa out... Nick you don't mind taking Aria home?"
Nick shakes his head.
"Okay good."

As Jake and Vanessa walk-off Jake opens his mouth to speak. "Nick paid that guy to bump into her." Vanessa turns to us.
"She is seriously gonna hate us if she finds out."
Jake laughs, "she's crazy but I believe she wouldn't hurt a fly."

Meanwhile, as we were driving we came past this bridge and it took me back to that night when my parents died. The dark night's Sky the sound of the car's motor and my mom and dad bickering.

I take deep breaths almost like a panic. I could feel myself wheezing now as I imagined the pain in my lungs and the numbness of my arms...and falling out into the street. I snap and grab a hold of the wheel and he immediately stops the car. I take off my seat belt and climb out of the car.
I close the door and walk over towards the edge and take a deep breath.
"You're's not your fault." I defensively try to protect myself from the truth.

"Aria? What the hell was that?" I quickly wipe my tears and turn to him with a sweet smile. "I'm sorry I don't know what's gotten over me. Please take me home." I could tell he knew I was lying but didn't want to say anything. "Okay buttercup." He sincerely smiles and takes me home.

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