Chapter 12

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Spirit week! Yay! Woohoo! Let's go blue
"Not this again Aria! Get out!"
I heavily sigh, "fine but that routine Sara wants me to do for backward day, I don't want to do it."

She laughs, "it's only four backflips and everything else."
I roll my eyes, "she's out to get me." I said. "well you should've thought of that before you confessed your feelings."

"You know what I shouldn't care. I don't have feelings."
She nods, "exactly, who are you?" She tries to hype me up.
"Aria Tyler?" I question myself.

"Aria Tyler!" I hop out of the car and raced into the school. I run into school hit my backflips and some cartwheels. I spread my arms out, thinking about the good o'l days. I take a bow and walk off with a huge smile as I just had my moment
"Nice flips." Jake compliments me as he holds out his hand. I hand five him, "thanks...I missed this."
He laughs, "you were a cheerleader?"

I shake my head, "no I'm talking about the applause and recognition."
He nods, "oh I understand."
I nod, "oh and V said to meet her in the gym." He walks off and I head to my locker for my books. I nod to the song HUMBLE that is stuck inside my mind.
"Bitch be humble." I laugh at myself because singing in the middle of the hallway like I'm in a High School Musical.

"Aria I heard you did as I asked," Sara says as she approaches me.
She smiles, "I can't hide this anymore...Aria I know that you and Nick kissed and I was at first upset but I've started to expect those sort of things from you. He also told me you threw yourself at him."

I tilt my head to the side, furiously, I sigh.
"I-I didn't."-
I squeal, trying to hold in my scream as her hand plants across my face. She laughs.


I rub my face before looking in the mirror that was hanging in my locker. I slam my locker; walk away in defeat, hands balled in a fist.

At lunch, I come from buying my apple and chips when I notice Nick and Sara sitting at the table laughing and giggling as one of those annoying couples.
"Aria come sit." Vanessa gestures for me to come over. I shake my head, looking down upon them. As if I was above them of course.

"I'd rather not sit by people who are irrelevant to me." I turn and leave.

"Irrelevant? I'll show her." Nick looks back to watch me leave.

I was supposed to cheer at the pep rally but decided not to. I sat in the hall writing more like venting about the things I hated.

My head snaps up, "oh Jake....hey."
He chuckles, "you...a...good?"
I sigh, "she told you didn't she?"
He nods, "that's all we ever talk about now is you."
I roll my eyes, "tell her you don't want to it's that's simple, that and it's not my fault I'm interesting." I stand, annoyed and ready to leave.
"Maybe you're right. I want her to have friends but I also don't want her to get hurt because I know you're using her."
I laugh, "I don't use people...I end people there's a difference."
He laughs calling my bluff.
"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask.

"Oh I don't hate you, I can't stand that everyone is going out their way to please you. Your parents are dead so what get over it! Nick doesn't like you to get over it! You're pathetic get over it! It's life."
Without the slightest of thought, my hand wipes his face clean like a wiper blade. I begin to breathe heavily and manage to get his attention.
"You're an ass!" I smack him again, only this time with more power and force.
"Something you don't have." I raise my hand to slap him again but only this time he grabs a hold of my hand and slams me onto a locker. "Jake you're...hic....hurting me."

He pulls back, I begin to wince in pain as I find it hard to contain my tears.
"If you tell Vanessa about this I'll make sure that I will hurt and ruin your life."

My back slides onto the lockers to the floor with a longing scream...and he just watches me. I bang my head up against the locker as I panicked. He pulls out his phone and takes a picture of me in panic.

When school ended I went home and locked myself in my room and cried myself to dismay. H-how...why would someone do that? "Aria it's me Ester are you alright in there?" She asks.
"Yea...I'm fine."-

She opens the door. "No, you're not."

I nod, "you're right I'm not."
She sits beside me and holds me. Slowly she soothed my back. Gently those same eyes looked at him as he irrationally looked at mines. Seeing my pain and he laughed in my face.

Sara stood outside talking to Jake.
"You've got her secret?"
He nods. "I really don't feel right hurting her." Sara grimaces at him.
"She tried to put your relationship in jeopardy because she wanted a friend. And she tried to steal what was mine. And now everyone will see her as she is, a bitch, a pathetic loser, and a total basket case."

Ester soon left my room leaving me with a box of tissues.

The next day Ester assigned me a meeting with our school's consular.
"Hello, Aria." Mrs. Martian holds out her hand and I shake it.
"Nice to meet you," I said softly, too scared to really speak.
"So can you tell me what's wrong?" I sigh, "everything."

I softly chuckle looking down upon her desk. "So I just want to get this out of the're aunt asked me to ask you this."
I nod, "go ahead." I said inviting all questions, good or bad.

"Ahem, well Aria are you depressed?" I laugh and shrug at the same time. Suddenly I remember looking into my reflection and not being satisfied with myself.

My eyes direct themselves in her direction.
"Yes," I answer.

"How do you feel?"
I get up and walk out of the office only to find Nick in the main office. He smiles warmly as if he was mocking me and I hated that.

I roll my eyes and brush past him as I walk away.
"Buttercup." He whispers. I look around at all those faces and then I make my way out of school and I didn't return.

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