*Chapter 18: Surprise, surprise

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 *Chapter 18

Monique’s POV 

"Babes how are you feeling?"  Kate asked

"I don't know anymore" I sighed

"What do you mean?" She asked.

“Well, I’m not even sure. I’m really annoyed with Jordan but then a part of my still-Oh I don’t know” I began

“Hmm” Kate said

“I mean I hate him, but at the same time I don’t. I feel so stupid man”

“No, don’t b. It’s OK to feel confused right now. It’s probably because you like him so much”

“The thing is I don’t though”

"Monique, b, you obviously like this guy ok give him a chance" Kate said

After talking to Kate I felt a bit better. I mean I still think Jordan should go and rot in hell somewhere but I don’t feel so stressed about it anymore. I think I need to stop moping now, I might go and make something to eat. I’m actually feeling hungry now.

I dragged myself out of my room and made my way slowly to the kitchen. To be honest I didn’t know what I was going to make but all I know is that I fancied some decent jerk chicken and rice. Luckily my mum had already seasoned some chicken so I put it in the grill and waited for it. When my food was ready I ate it so fast people would think I hadn’t eaten in years. I then washed my stuff and went to chill in my room on Facebook and Twitter. I love just chilling on these sites because some people just act really stupid unnecessarily but hey.

Just as I was getting comfortable our doorbell rang.

Bloody hell. Our doorbell again. I’m not even expecting anyone at the moment. It’s annoying when people randomly turn up at your house.

"Monique, please tell those rasclarts that this house no be a hotel. Y'nderstand?" Mum said when she heard the doorbell. She really hated it when we had unexpected visitors because she had this compulsion to cook when we had visitors and if they were unexpected it meant that she couldn’t prepare for them.

"Yes ma" I called back

"Bloody coming in and out like I don't have things to do" She complained

 "Sorry Mum" I muttered

I slowly went to open the door with the intention of telling Kate to come back later.


When I opened my door I couldn’t believe who I saw standing outside my door. I just froze whilst we stared at each other.

“Aren’t you going to let me in then?” They asked me

To be honest I couldn’t reply. It seemed as if I’d lost my ability to talk. My mouth went dry and I just continued looking gormlessly at him.

“Monique!” They said waving their hands in front of my face.

Why won’t my mouth allow me to talk? I opened my mouth in an attempt to force something out of my mouth but I could still do nothing but gawk at my visitor

“Monique, what’s-” Kamal began. When he noticed my visitor his eyes narrowed and he spat “Woah, what the hell is that little piece of crap doing here?”

Yes, what the hell is Jordan doing here? I'm sure I made it clear that I never want to see him again. Last night was flipping scary for me. I don’t ever want to go through that again. In fact I even told him that I don’t ever want to see him again. I’ve been through enough crap in my life already. To be honest, I don’t even believe myself when I say I don’t want to ever see him again. I mean, the feel of his- The sound of Jordan speaking to Kamal suddenly brought me out of my thoughts.

 “Kamal, listen-” Jordan began

"What the hell are you even doing here?" Kamal began "Get out!" he yelled whilst pointing at the stairs. I would say that Kamal was over reacting but then again I came home pretty pissed of last night and Kamal is pretty protective. Since we don’t have a father figure Kamal has decided to take that role on himself, much to my annoyance. I loved him but sometimes he needs to understand that I want to fight my own battles. Besides, guys like girls who can hold their own. Well, alongside the fact that barbie chicks who are scared to get their nails dirty annoy the hell out of me. Anyways, I’m digressing, what was I thinking about again? Oh yeah


"What are you doing here?" I demanded as I looked Jordan square in the face. Oh, now my voice decides to come back. It could have been there when I looked like an idiot trying to talk to Jordan man. Anyways, I was-wait I mean am annoyed with Jordan and I’m going to make sure he knows it. He’s going to have to grovel so hard before I even think of giving him another chance.

"Listen, Monique please just give me a chance, I want to make it-" Jordan started.

“You have one minute, go” I hissed.

“Nique, please” He begged. He even gave me these really cute and adorable puppy dog eyes. Psssht, I’m not going to fall for that. This guy needs to try much harder than that.

“Fine, you can come in” I reluctantly agreed- well after forcing him to go down on his knees and kiss my shoes. Yeah, I know I’m mean; but you can’t have people walk all over you like you’re trash.

Noticing Kamal glaring at him Jordan quickly said to him "Listen Kamal I come in peace. I promise I don't intend to hurt your sister again. Kamal didn’t even say anything and he just kept glaring at Jordan.

Looking into Jordan’s eyes again today I felt almost safe with him being in my presence, in fact I almost felt bad for freezing him out. His eyes showed me something that I hadn’t really seen behind anyone else eyes before. I saw a sensitivity behind his eyes and I knew that yesterday was him just looking out for me. I’m not excusing what he did but at least I could understand where he’s coming from. But he really scared me at the party though. I mean, he did go butt crazy on a guy just because I was dancing with him. What if he becomes violent like that towards me? I've seen enough domestic violence to last me a bloody life time. I don't think I could deal with it again.

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