Chapter 1// Ciel and Sebastian

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~While walking you run into a crime scene from Jack the Ripper~

    "What is this?" I said. As I watched, I saw a boy with his Butler try to walk into the crime scene. *Gasp* "He is the Queen's Watchdog!" I said quietly so he wouldn't hear me.
      His Butler looks familiar. He looks like me! Is that... No he couldn't be my father, my father died a long time ago. But so did I.
      I couldn't take it anymore and ran back to the alley that I call my home. "This can't be! Mom died and she didn't come back as a demon. I must have did something to come back as a demon! But what about my father! My mom abandoned me for 3 years. Then when she saw me she ran and got shot by someone." I couldn't take it anymore I fell to the ground and cried.

~Ciel's POV~
    Blast! Got rejected again by that no good Arthur Randall. Huh? I hear someone crying. "Sebastian. Do you hear someone crying?"                                                                                               "Indeed young master I do it sounds like it is coming from that alley."                                                         I immediately walk over to the alley without telling Sebastian to find a girl, my age, crying alone. 

     "Why are you crying?" I said once I saw her. When she looked up I saw her face, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. "I'm all alone. No father nor mother. They both died." She told me. I was shocked she was an orphan just like me.                                                                 "Sebastian we are taking her home with us to help her."                                                                             "Yes, my young Lord."

~Ava's POV~
    The Queen's guard dog is helping me? I heard people say that he is heartless, but I never knew why. As I heard Ciel say that he was taking me home I just nodded. It didn't seem like he asked me.
  Who is he?

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