Chapter 5: Cow Tipping

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"Mama, I'm not staying in this house with those two." Ava protested, as she stripped peas.

"Baby, they needed a place to stay," Suzie explained, sympathetically, "it's only temporary." She smiled, and threw in chopped potatoes into the boiling stockpot.

"Well, who the hell are they?" Ava questioned, with a tone of interest peaking in her voice.

Suzie looked up at Ava before returning her attention to the stove top. "They're gonna help us around here." She simply said.

Ava made a face. "With what?" She rolled her eyes. "Daddy already hired an extra stable hand. We're doing just fine."

"For now we are," Suzie said, "for now."


"You boys are like weeds." The sheriff said, as he lit up a cigar. "Keep comin' back."

"Oh, Theron." Suzie came into the living room and placed a tray of lemonade onto the coffee table. "These boys are harmless." She disappeared back into the kitchen, just as quickly as she had appeared.

Dean raised an eye brow in amusement. "Theron?" He reached for a glass of lemonade and took a sip. "Like that chick from Monster?"

"It's Greek," the sheriff said, paying no attention to Dean's jab, "it means hunter."

"Oh, does it?" Dean looked over to Sam, while taking a sip. "What a coincidence."

"So, sheriff." Sam begun.

"Call me Theron." The man took a long drag from his cigar and exhaled.

"Okay, Theron," Sam nodded, readdressing him, "anything out of the ordinary happen lately?"

"You mean besides you two knuckleheads showing up?" Theron tapped his cigar on the edge of a nearby ashtray.

Sam chuckled, lightheartedly. "Uh yeah, besides us."

"Nah," came his short response, "not much ever happens out here in old Rebel."

"What about hokey pokey stuff? Like, flickering lights? Unusual drafts inside the house? Strange noises? Maybe things moving around that don't normally move around?" Dean winked at Sam. "Seen any.. ghosts?"

Theron wore a confused look on his face.

"Uhh, excuse us." Sam smiled, as he pulled Dean by the elbow. "I just need a moment to talk with my brother."


"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sam said, distressingly. "Overkill, much?"

Dean ran a hand over his mouth and shifted his weight to one side. "Look, you're the one that said we should play the part - that's what I'm doing, Sammy!"

Sam exhaled, sharply. "We gotta be smart about this. Making a mockery of things isn't going to get us back home."

Dean grabbed Sam by the shirt collar. "No, it won't but what makes you so damn sure that playing along will!?"

Just then, Ava came around the corner. Dean immediately backed off Sam.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked with skepticism. The two remained quiet. "Well, dinner's ready. You should probably wash up."


"So," Ava broke the ice at the dining table, "now that we're all one big happy family, why don't you tell us about yourselves?" She forced a smile at Sam and Dean.

"Well there's not much to tell." Sam replied. "We're just your regular Joes from Kansas."

"Right," Ava eyed him, "of course you are."

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