A hero academy?

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The team was put into a large room where they adjusted to the new world. They were regularly visited by 2 people. The first was helping Dawn, Caroline and Lizzy was named Aurora. She had black shoulder length hair, brown eyes, a olive pale skin. They girls said she was snarky and sarcastic but got mad easily but was loyal. She typically wore bright tie-dye shirt, paint covered jeans and boots. The girls had adjusted fast and were more or less back to how they were when they were part of the alpha team.

The guys on the other hand, were a different story. Tobias was always pacing, nervously. Ivan was constantly reading up on history, new elements, compounds and weapons. Samuel was actually trying his best to hold on to the old world, reading the news and lastly, found that now nearly everything was synthetically made. They were stuck with Dylan a blonde with grey eyes, pale skin, outgoing, goofy and serious dumb person who wore a dark sweatshirt, black jeans and combat boots. 

"Now, we wish to take you to Imovot Academy. There you will meet several heroes in training, You will have the choice of becoming mentors, improve you technics, or become a student there." Aurora said. "We recommend becoming students so you will learn the basics of the new world." Dylan said. "Fine, show us the academy and we'll see." Dawn said. Dylan walked away and then drove up to the area in a car. "Hop in, we're taking the fastest route possible." he said. Everyone got in and the car sped up, fast and when Dylan says fast, he meant dangerous.

"This is insane." Ivan yelled as we drove on the wall of a tunnel. "What are you talking about, we're only avoiding traffic." Dylan explained. We got out of the tunnel and flew up. I forgot to mention that cars weren't affected by roads, it's just better to be on the road instrad of flying recklessly. "Were going to DIE" Samuel yelled, gripping onto the handle he calls "the oh shit" handle. "What are you talking about, were perfectly safe." Dylan said. Aurora was riding shotgun and had a green look. 

We flew into a tunnel. "Dylan, were on the Russian Bullet line." Aurora said. "Yeah, I know, but its faster than going to the station and getting out." he said. "I think someone else should take the wheel." Lizzy said, holding onto Samuel. "Agree." Caroline said, also holding onto Samuel, while on his lap. "Train, train, train, train!" Aurora yelled. She leaned out the window, her arm opened up and fired a red ball into the wall. "Turn there, that will take us to the 6th." she said. We pulled up and were in a parking lot. Everyone had flushed faces and Samuel's hair turned white from fear. 

"Come on you babies, you can get out." Dylan said. Everyone got out and looked around. The area was large and had several buildings. A man walked out of one building. He had a mad max look and wore a tan mask. "Ah, you must be the new people, you chose the old Alpha team? Well, I'm not here to judge. I'm Armageddon, I'll show you around." he said. "Ok, so first will be the training hall. This is where you'll receive your nano-weave costumes, you also will need to enter into the system so you can earn reward points in every victory you get. Oh, please go to your respective locker rooms." he said. 

"Don't worry about me, let me try something." Ivan said "Samuel, your pelt." Samuel handed him the pelt and Ivan changed it into a nano-weave wolf pelt." I can do this, it's much faster." Ivan said and changed everyone's clothes into nano-fiber armor. "It's itchy." Lizzy said. "I don't to change, electric body." Caroline said.

"Delta force has opened into the team challenge chamber." a female robotic voice said. "Tobias, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Samuel asked. "Already done." he said. The group walked into the room and Dylan and Aurora walked into the observation room. 

The delta team consisted of 6 people. They all had masks or had a hidden face. "So, the old Alpha team has finally been formed, I thought no one ever choose Alpha, always Beta team, J.S, or D.C people." a man said. He was covered in blue hexagons. "Yeah, This shoud be fun." A man in all black said. "Let's have party!" a weird animal in a mech said. "Let's see how they react to plants." a girl in a green tank top said. 

"Let's hide us in darkness." "Than blind them in the light." 2 people said. The first was in dark clothes with a cape and a hood. The other was in the same but glowed. The first was male wiht the other a girl. "Tough talk to those who hide their faces." Samuel said and popped his knuckels

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