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The next morning Vernon was heading out the door for work with Petunia giving him a kiss goodbye. All of a sudden cries sounding like a baby come out of no where. Vernon and Petunia look down and see a baby. He looks very alike to Petunia's sister Lily, it was strange. A note lay on top of the baby. It read,
Dear mrs and mr Dursley,
I am leaving you with Harry Potter your nephew and Lily potter's son. There has been a great tragedy between the Potters and the most powerful wizard in our world it is a surprise he has survived. Harry is for sure a wizard and will be expected to attend hogwarts school of whitchcraft and wizardery at age eleven.
Yours sincerly,
Albus Percivel Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore
Vernon and Petunia looked at each other very closely and both new what they had to do. "We must put a stop to this magic". As the years passed Harry grew bigger and bigger. Vernin and Petunia had a son of their own. Dudley Dursley. They never treated harry as well as they did Dudley. Harry never got any presents for christmas or his birthday nor did he ever get new clothes. They were always hand me downs from when Dudley grew out of them. One day Harry went up to his aunt and uncle and said " how did my parents die?" Vernon and Petunia both looked at each other and finally after a few minutes vernon replied. " Harry it wasnt anything major, they were driving home from dinner and got in to a crash. You somehow manged to survive, being smaller and all, you really should have died. Now go back to your room. Clean it and dont come out until there is no dust on the white glove". Harry sadly walked back to his room in the cupboard under the stairs and began to clean his very small space he called his bedroom until it was spotless.

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