year 2

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Harry ron and Hermione were on the hogwarts express back home. They all promised to write to each other every day and Harry was excited to finally have friends. Once the train arrived at kings cross Harry retreived his stuff onto a trolley and headed out of platform after saying goodbye to his friends. Vernon was waiting for Harry in the car and did not look to impressed. "Hurry up and get in the car boy" he said to harry as he loaded hedwig into the car. "And that bird does not come out of that cage. I dont want it ruining my house." Harry got in the car and they were in their way home. Its been a week for Harry's summer after school and he couldnt wait to go back. But now Harry has no room for anything in his cupboard under the stairs. "Aunt petunia, uncle Vernon i've tried to put my stuff in my room but it doesnt all fit. Is there any way i can get a bigger bedroom or an extra closet." Harry asked at the diner table. Vernon and Petunia both looked at each other and did not know what to do. Dudley had three bedrooms of his own, and the only closet available is the one across the hall from their room. Its not a good i dea to be disturbed from a wizard grabbing his stuff for his all magical school. "Ok. Harry you can have a bedroom. You may have Dudley's smallest bedroom at the furthest end of the hall." Vernon and Petunia had made the perfect arrangements for Harry to have his own bedroom. At least in their opinion. Harry was just glad to get out of the cupboard under the stairs. Harry had to clean and move his bedroom upstairs all by himself with no help on the days he didn't spend with ms. Figg. While he finished his room Harry constantly wondered why his friends had not yet to send him a letter and was wondering if they even remebered about him. The rest of the summer was the same as any other day at the Dursleys. Vernon had a very specific important meeting coming up at the end of the summer and a very important routine was to be followed and Harry sits in his room the good thing about it is that he didnt want anything to do with this anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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