I, myself, am much more aware of my flaws and insecurities. I don't need anyone in my life who will rub it in.
All you can see are the scratched surfaces of my various masks. Not a single soul, not even my family, knows how deep my well runs. So who are you, a stranger, to judge me?
To simply say foul things about me when all you know is a mere shard of me. A mere piece of glass out of a million pieces that were once part of a whole. Who are you to say that I am just as how you described me?
You who knows nothing and will know nothing about a single solid part of me speak so much ill of me because of specific bad moment.
I've often wondered why he had described me as an unsolvable puzzle. And now I know why. And I am not and will never be sorry for it.
I am the very storm that floods my world,
The very tempest that had always left me breathless.
I am the unsettling quake that breaks my own walls,
I am the most unstable being that I have ever known.
And it has always scared me.My walls are high, my thoughts deep.
My doors and windows closed.
As I have slowly but surely realized that, I am my morning and my night.
I am my dove and my raven.
I am my own best friend and my worst enemy.
The epitome of my own self.And how I've often wondered, why I couldn't belong into their world.
When all along I knew that I haven't met that one person who has proven themselves who can belong to mine.Unfathomable are my thoughts for they are odd. Unquestionable is my oddity for it makes me unique.
Unacceptable, my voice for I spoke of what is simply the purest of my thoughts.
Misunderstood are my intentions for I have never been one to express myself well with actions or with words.Thankful, I am to those who can see past through my messed up threads. To those who can explore the maze that's in my head.
For not often do I come across such odd creatures such as I.
Apologies, to those whom I have pained, intentionally or not.
For I had always preferred not to lie.Brash yet uncertain.
Cold yet empathetic.
How often I must I say do I contradict myself?And yet here I am,
Such a beautiful wreckage of myself.
A version of my soul that I've come to love and hate at the same time.
But overall, I am thankful for the oddity that is me.