"touch, make love, taste you"

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"If you feed me that bullshit about it "just being what we do" I'm actually going to hit you Clarke." Raven is feeding her baby cousin as she says it, which makes it nearly impossible for Clarke to actually take the girl seriously, since she has to make a ridiculously childish face every time just so she can get the baby to actually open his mouth and eat it. Not that she would take Raven seriously if she actually looked menacing, but the point is still there.

She rolled blue eyes at her friend while she swept blonde locks out of her face. She didn't have plans for anyone to find out, but here she was, having this conversation now because Raven had honestly forgotten that knocking was a necessary thing. She had, had no idea as well. Clarke was very good about that, and so was Lexa, until she decided to obnoxiously burst into the blonde's apartment, though she is twenty-three almost twenty-four and she should very much be knocking by now. Just because you grow up with somebody doesn't mean you don't knock, Clarke couldn't even understand that logic.

"What do you want me to say Raven? I've tried explaining it to you, you won't listen."

"I won't listen?" Raven scoffs, dropping the plastic spoon between her fingertips as dramatically as she can. She has the audacity to actually look offended, like it was Clarke that had just randomly walked in on her during a heated make-out session with another dear friend that they've had for a long time. "You don't make out with someone for seven fucking years and insist that it's not "deep" you lunatic." Raven is looking at her with very wide eyes, wider then Clarke has ever seen them and the blonde just can't quite understand why in the world she is so shocked by this.

"We didn't make out for seven years; we obviously had to stop kissing to breathe." Clarke points out sarcastically, resting her chin in the palm of her hand as she rests her elbow on the table. The bemused gaze her friend gives her tells her that she's not escaping this conversation, not for anything, and that is what inevitably makes the blonde begin her pout, leaning back in her chair and folding her arms across her chest like Raven was the bane of her existence.

"I never thought you and Lexa..." Raven begins but the blonde is quick to cut her off with a roll to beautiful blue eyes.

"There is no me and Lexa." She snaps. "We kiss sometimes when we both feel lonely or just need that kind of contact. We don't do anything else, just make out sometimes, it's really not that weird." Clarke tries to explain, but by the disbelieving expression she's receiving she knows it's useless. She knew it would be if any one of their friends had found out, and it wasn't like anyone really needed to know.

Sure they've almost been caught with tongues down each other's throats and shirts half off before, but that's because they were actually in public places or a spare bedroom in one of their other friends' apartments or something. Being caught there makes sense, not in her own apartment, on her own couch, at eight a fucking clock at night.

"I can't believe you're trying to convince me that you and Lexa are just funning around like normal friends. You've been making out with her since junior year of high school, that's not funning Clarke, or normal platonic friend behavior. Fuck, was it after that party that you guys started making out regularly?" Raven has abandoned staring at Clarke like she's growing another head on her shoulder and had gone back to making faces at her little cousin why she spoon feeds him. He's unusually quiet, but he had just woken up from a nap so he could eat, so perhaps he hadn't fully awoken yet.

"Yes," Clarke answers tersely, clenching her jaw as Raven lets out another unbelieving scoff. "Why is this so hard for you to grasp? I don't understand..."

"We were just fucking joking Clarke, when we dared Lexa and you to make out at that party. We didn't mean keep doing it for seven years and dance around your feelings like a fucking idiot Griffin." Raven looks like she wants to hit her when she finally glances at her again, but Clarke just rolls her eyes.

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