10 yearsprior
Clarke didn't text her back right away.
Texting her back right away made her look desperate, as if she was waiting around for her attention. Clarke certainly didn't want her to think that, especially when it wasn't true at all. She didn't want to lead her on either. Lexa had made her feelings almost clear, and the last thing Lexa needed was a sort-a straight girl pushing around her feelings. Even if Clarke thought about her a lot, got curious sometimes at what it would be like, she knows where she stands... She couldn't do that to Lexa.
Clarke wasn't going to do that. But she did like Lexa, and it had to be only as a friend. They had spent all of senior year together, and though they had only become friends at the beginning of the year, close to graduation it actually feels like Lexa is someone she's known for a long time. They have a connection. But Lexa is deep and complicated and female. Clarke just can't lead her on like that when she's supposed to be straight. Lexa is more than a phase, she deserves more than that.
She has to make her feelings clear. She's not completely sure how waiting to text a girl back will do that, but it will help. She's a girl, she knows as a girl with a crush you over analyze everything that person says and does. So a delayed reply should massively help this situation. Okay, perhaps not massively. Lexa isn't one to wait around either, or think the world is ending if someone doesn't text back right away.
Finally, Clarke deciding a delayed reaction doesn't matter and picks her phone back up from her bed. She had opened the text message already, so Lexa knew she saw it, and now knows she wasn't replying right away. Maybe Lexa will analyze that as something more than it is; perhaps that's a good thing. Ugh, who knows?
Lexa(8:01pm): Hi!
Lexa had texted her a simple greeting. It was off from Lexa's normal greeting, which barely ever consisted of a "hello".
Clarke tapped on the reply button; let the cursor blink for a few moments before typing in her reply and hitting send.
Clarke(8:13pm): Lexa! Hey.
Something about the reply makes Clarke feel queasy. It's too formal. She can't act weird just because she possibly overheard Lexa say something to Harper about a maybe possible crush on her. She just has to casually throw in how straight she is and how good of friends they are and how sad it is when friendships get ruined over unreciprocated feelings... She has to friend-zone Lexa the same way she's friend-zoned guys in her life who wanted more from her. The thought of that actually stirs something sad in the pit of Clarke's stomach, and she's not fully sure why.
Lexa(8:15pm): What's up?
Her reply is as stiffly formal as Clarke's was. Clarke panics briefly... Does she know that I know? Clarke shakes her head. No, that's not possible; she didn't see me at all.
Clarke(8:17pm): Nothing really, besides talking to you now. Wbu? =)
The smiley face should help relax the mood... Or is it too much? Do people over analyze the meaning of smiley faces and emojis in text messages? No, no it's not too much. Smiley faces are simple forms of communication between friends, just as gifs now a days. Relax Clarke, relax.
Lexa(8:20pm): Well no shit. I'm actually bored. So...
Bored...? She can handle bored. Bored is platonic. Bored isn't complicated or messy. Friend's text friends when they're bored. Bored has nothing to do with unrequited feelings, nothing is confusing about this. Clarke releases a breath of air she had no idea she was holding.
Clexa One-Shots
FanfictionWho fucking knows man. I hate watt-pad, I'm just trying to expand my horizons here. So here's a shit tone of one-shots that I've either never posted or have posted in other places. Some of them are smutty, some of them aren't. All of them have some...