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Ramon's pov

  "suicide.....she over dosed" my nona said. I clutched my fist holding in my tears.

"Ramon, I know it's hard to take in; especially since you two were so close." The words just slipped through my mind.

Why didn't she tell me she was feeling this way... I could've helped her. I shoved my grandmother away just to lay on my bed and bury into my pillow and sob and scream out my aching heart.


It was a month later to when Julia's funeral took place. It was cold and I felt nothing. After the ceremony I saw a lot of people from in town. Everyone loved her....and nobody knew why she took her life. I looked down at my phone and sighed I walked up to my Nona who was attending Julia's parents. I gave her the look that I was leaving, and she nodded in response. I walked out of the funeral home and saw a boy near Julie's grave who seemed to be crying his eyes out. I've never met him before at least I don't think I have. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. I felt a shiver go up and down his spine as he turned back to look at me. Those eyes...

"To-Toby?" I stuttered then covering my mouth. I haven't seen him since he was a kid.

"Ra-Ramon??" He said stepping back, fully shaking. Why is he so scared of me?? "I didn't know you where here- I mean...let me start over. Hi, uh how's life?" He said a bit awkwardly. I sighed and rested my head in my hand.

"Just... great Toby. It's been just great. We're at a funeral for my niece who just committed suicide. Really how do you think it's going?" I said sorta in a stressed state. I saw Toby pull at his sleeve.

"Sorry I asked...."he replied. I looked up at him and saw him starting to tear up again. "She was with me the night she......" I grew pale as Toby became a sobbing mess.

I didn't really know what to do in this situation. I just hugged Toby, holding him as he sobbed into my chest. I couldn't care less if he was fucking up my suit. He was like another member to the family. It was later when Toby told me about how he found her that night.

"It's getting pretty late you should be heading home." Toby said grabbing his coat.

"Uh yeah... need a ride or anything?" I said getting up.

"N-no thanks Ramon I'll call an uber." I looked at him which must have scared him cause he quickly changed his mind. "O-on second thought you c-can drive me home." His cheeks flushed in a crimson hue.

It wasn't long till we got to Toby's neighborhood. It was the crummy side of town where most of my mob hits take place. I stopped the car and looked at Toby who was in the back seat.

" thanks Ramon.... I guess I'll see you around...literally." He said getting out of the car.

"No problem Toby.... you know if you need anything just give me a call." I said handing him a card with my number.

" I don't think that will be needed.... I'll do just fine on my own" Toby handed back the card and walked into his home. I sighed and drove back to my house. 

"You're home late." Said my Nona.

"I was out......helping Toby...." I replied taking off my coat.

"You mean little Toby?" She asked with widen eyes. I nodded and looked at my phone which was blowing up with text from my partners.

"We haven't seen him since Julia left for collage how is he doing?" My Nona asked.

"He's doing fine I guess he's still living with his parents I assume." I replied taking off my coat.

"You know his parents used to be unfair towards  him for some reason after middle school they started being ... well I'm not sure it my place to say , but  That's why he would always come over with Julia." I looked back at my Nona with shock. I never noticed that his parents would have done that.

"Well it doesn't matter Toby is a man now he can take care of himself." I said leaving to my room. I groaned changing out of my suit in to a t-shirt and dark jeans i knew to be a long night considering i have to set up drug deals and hits. I walked to my office and sat in a big dark burgundy leather chair.

I tried working as usual but I couldn't focus . The event that have take place in the last few weeks keep replaying in my head. I couldn't think straight. I grabbed my stapler and smashed the screen of the computer on my desk. I walked out of my office and slammed my door.

"I'm taking some personal time today," I said to myself and left.

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