First day at school

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Tris P.O.V

When I get to school I am greeted with a bunch of people staring at me when I walk out of my car. When I get to the entrance of the school a boy stops me. "Um, excuse me." I say with attitude in my voice. "Hey I'm Uriah." He replies." Oh my god. Hey! I'm I don't give a crap what your name is." I say.

I walk away and notice that the majority of people that were staring, were guys. Well this year should be fun.(note the sarcasm)
I walk into the office and see a lady sitting at the desk, her name tag says Johanna on it. Sounds like an Amity name if you ask me.

"Oh hello. You must be our new student" she says in a cheery voice. Ah, just as I expected. "Name please" She says."Six" I reply. "Here you go. Ok so your gonna make a right down that hallway then a left then another left and then you make a ri-" she says annoyingly but then I interrupt her.

"Ya, ya I don't need to hear the new kid shit, I already toured the school. Now can I leave?" She has a shocked expression on her face.

I start walking out without lettering her respond. But I do overhear her mutter under her breath, "Dauntless, definitely Dauntless." I just chuckle and walk to my first class: French. Wow. How convenient.

On my way there a girl walks up to me and says "hey. Names Christina" "Six." I say. She gives me a confused look and then says can I see your schedule. She skims over it and says"EEKKKKKK! We have all classes together except for French and history. We are gonna be besties, and ohmygogh I love that top.""ok Christina slow your role. I've gotta get to class, see ya 2nd period."

When I walk into class everyone is staring at me...AGAIN! I walk to the desk at the very back of the class, so I could just text Christina when I'm bored. I already speak French fluently so there is nothing for me to learn.

When I sit down I put my back pack on the seat next to me. I get on my phone and start playing 'Flappy Bird'. Out of the corner of my eye I see the boy from this morning walking towards my desk.

With out looking up from my phone I grab my Chanel purse, put on the seat next to me and say, "This seat is occupied." " who exactly?" "Um... By Coco Chanel." I say mocking his tone. "Do you know who you are speaking to. Uriah Pedrad, football quarterback." He says motioning to himself.

"Oh my god!" I say, "THE Uriah Pedrad is talking to me Six!" I say with sarcasm in my voice. Then the staring begins. "Look I know I'm sexy as hell, but it doesn't mean you have to stare." I say. He looks down and blushes.

I move Coco Chanel on my lap and say "knock yourself out preppy-boy." He sat down just as the teacher came in. "Six" she says, "please tell us about French."

"Salut. Mon nom est Six. Mes loisirs sont la natation la basket-ball, base-ball, cheerleading, et le shopping. Cours de l'été j'ai aidé mon travail de maman sur sa nouvelle ligne de mode." I say.

I sit back down and Uriah is staring at me wide eyed. "What did you even say?" "I said,' hi my name is Six. My hobbies include basketball, softball, swimming, cheerleading, and shopping. For the summer I helped my mom with her new fashion line."

After that me and uriah exchange numbers and head off to second period. All the classes were uneventful until lunch. While walking to the cafeteria I see a boy with short dark hair and ocean blue eyes.


I was sitting in the bathroom with a bloody cut along my wrist and a knife in my hand. I clean up the mess and head outside. I was ready to die. Ready to take away the pain of seeing my friend die. Me and my best friend will were heading back to my house when he was shot. Every night I cried myself to sleep. I just want all the pain to be gone. I run as fast as I can to the chasm by my school. Just as I'm about to jump off, I feel someone grab me. "Get your hands off me! I just want to be free from all the pain and commotion I just can't take it anymore!" "I'm sorry" he says,"I just don't think killing yourself would be the answer to all your problems."

(End of flashback)

It's him. I snap out of my daze by entering the cafeteria. I pull up my elbow length gloves to cover my scars. I don't cut myself anymore. When I get inside I see uriah standing up facing the last piece of dauntless cake. We glare at each other until I start sprinting toward the cake. I get there first and put it on my plate.

I stick my tongue out at him and walk over to Christina's table. She introduces me to Zeke, Shauna, Marlene, Lynn, and Tobias. I also see Uriah sitting down. "Ya know if you told me you were friends with Christina I wouldn't have been such a jackass" I say.

I'm about to say something until I see three people walking in. "OH MY GOD! NO FRACKI'N WAY!" I scream. And jump out of my seat. Cole, Matt, and Robert are standing right there.

Cole comes to me first and gives me a huge hug, then Matt, then Robert, then Zeke is standing there with open arms. I chuckle "as if." I say and walk away.

I stand on the table and everyone looks at me funny. "What are you doing six?" Says Christina. "OK LISTEN UP PANSYCAKES! THERE WILL BE A PARTY AT MY HOUSE TONIGHT AND YOU ARE ALL INVITED." Cole gives me a high five and I evilly grin at the group. Matt, cole, Robert, and I just laugh. "Oh that's right they haven't attended one of our famous parties" exclaims Robert.

"You haven't lived till you have been to one" Matt says."your all coming right." YES! I would like to see you try to beat mine and zeke's parties." Says Uriah "Bring it." I reply

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