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A/N: Probably the cutest one yet. I was in giggles writing this. We can all agree Run was a cutie. Originally this was going to be hella sad but I spared your feels and mine.

Run and yourself had been seeing each other for a few months since the Jaegers formed. It was something that wasn't planned at all, it just worked. You'd be lying if you said you were not head over heels for him. When you first laid eyes on each other it felt like there was a connection, you remember walking through the doors into the meeting room and seeing everyone that made up the team today. Everyone seemed really nice but the one tall blonde standing up by the table captivated you. Making eye contact with him gave you butterflies and a sense of security that you never felt before.

On the other hand, when you walked into the room Run thought that you were the most beautiful woman he has ever seen before. He couldn't help but to feel that he needed you. Run wanted to protect you from any and all harm for as long as he could. But deep down he dreaded these feelings he was having because he knew there was going to be nothing but bloodshed from that point on.


"You are becoming more and more reckless with every battle we get into. You need to wake up and realize this is not a game!" Run raised his voice at you for the first time. It took you back a little bit but it only seemed to make you angry.
"You know what, Run? How about you not worry about me and how I take my battles. Mind your own business and you would not have to cry about it." You said in a very bitter tone of voice. You didn't know how to feel but it definitely hurt talking to Run like this.
"(Name), wake up. This is not a game. You're going to get killed by acting like a careless idiot." Run snapped making your eyes go wide.
"Screw you! I do what works for me. I'm not a coward, alright? I don't use my imperial arms to get out of harms way in a fight."
"(Name), you are acting like a child." Run chastised you making you even more upset. "One of these days you're going to get yourself killed and I will not be there to help you because you could have prevented it." Run said. You couldn't help but to feel tears forming at the brink of your eyes.
"How about this, never speak to me again. I'll be fine in my own. I've done it before you and I'll do it after you." You said in an extremely calm voice.

Later that night you heard a soft knock at your door and opened it to see Run standing there. He opened his mouth to say something.

"I fear that I have fallen in love with you." Run said in a very calm and cool voice. Your eyes widened as he just confessed his deep feelings for you.
"Run, I-"
"Please say you love me." Run pleaded making your heart flutter.
"I-I'm in love with you, Run." You confessed. The next moment was a moment that you could never forget. Your first kiss with him. His lips crashed onto yours, both falling in complete sync with one another.


"What is on your mind, dove?" Run asked as he wrapped his arm around your waist putting the book that he had been previously reading down. He gave you all of his attention.
"You." You said simply with a small smile on your lips. "Our first kiss." You rested your head on his shoulder. "Our first time." A light shade of pink dusted your cheeks.
"You truly make me happy I want you to know." Run started. "Our final battle is approaching us soon and I want us to survive this because... I want to marry you when this is over." Run confessed making you look up at him in awe.

"Marry me?" You asked in complete shock but you were still so happy.
"Yes, marry you." Run chuckled at your adorableness. "Soon there will be a diamond ring on this beautiful dainty finger." Run held your left hand gently caressing your ring finger.

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