Chapter 7

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Two weeks.

Two weeks and Mike was driving me crazy.

What with the non-stop hints of all the uses of the one bed in the cabin, I was going insane!



"Shut up,"

He looked confused. "I didnt say anything though..."

"Yeah, but this is the time you usually begin bugging me. Well, did you get anything on Marky?" I smiled to myself at his expression. I knew not to push it too much, because the classic Ass-Mike was still there. I found that out the second day we were stuck here.

It was my turn to slee on the bed. I told that to Mike, he said no. I said yes, he said no. That repeated a bit then I decided to allow him the bed... for a few minutes.

He went to sleep and I was in the process of putting his hand in warm water when he woke up.

Realizing my plan he freaked. He threw the water on my head and tried to throw me in the oven.

Oven. I know, a bit extreme for trying to make him wet the bed.

I havent slept in the bed at all.

"Um... well, I found that your parents didnt die in a plane crash," he answered.

"How did they die then?"

"It says they were poisoned... at home. So, im guessing Marky had a reason to lie to you about how they died."

I stayed quiet. I know I came here to find out the truth, but I had thought that I already knew the truth.

Maybe not...

I take time to think back on my life. Being a "pleasure' slave, halloucenating, this...

Not really a happy childhood.

I am thinking of this when suddenly Mike jumps up.

"What?" I ask, a little scared of his sudden giddiness.

"I heard something..." he whispered. As soon as he did, bullets ripped through the air. Mike hit the floor, and I wasnt sure if he did it on purpose or not. I hit right after him.

I curled myself into the fetal possition and waited until somone picked me up.

I felt a slight prick in my neck, and heard, "Don't worry, Meredith, I'm here..." before I went to sleep.

I couldnt help but to think, Oh crap, not again...

Taken, Abused, and Loved by the Same Man [on hold for now]Where stories live. Discover now