The Shoot

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! Here is another chapter!! Talks a bit about smut, but not too detailed. I'm just putting it out there that I know nothing about the porn industry so I'm sorry if I get some details wrong. Enjoy<3

 As much as John enjoyed the prep, he hated the awkward minutes leading up to filming. Those moments when he was passed around, inspected by the directors and instructed on what to do.

"So, you're Captain Watson?" The same man that had summoned Sherlock earlier asked, glancing at him as he nodded. "Good, you and Sherlock will start out over by the mirror. Don't really have much by means of a script, so just go with whatever flows."

"No script? That's a little strange. How'd you swing that?"

"My brother is a rather significant investor in this company." The now-familiar voice of his co-star caused John to jump slightly, spinning to face the pale man. "Kind of gives me a fair bit of pull." Sherlock winked, a mischievous grin pulling at his lips.

"Y-Your brother funds your pornos?"

"Yes. He has a crippling need to monitor me, so I made a deal with him. He gets to be involved in this area of my life and I make it home for Sunday dinners."

"That's a little weird."

"Yes, well, you've never met my brother."

"As much as I am enjoying the chemistry between you two, we need to get started." The man with the clipboard said, sounding irritated.

"Why are you in such a foul mood today Gavin?" Sherlock snapped, earning a harsh glare from the man.

"Because you came in this morning with a stick up your ass and pissed off the directors. And please stop calling me that."

"Calling you what?"

"Gavin. We have known each other for five years."

"Gavin isn't your name?"

"Fucking hell man! It's Greg!" The man stormed off, looking incredibly pissed. Sherlock grinned smugly, turning back to face John.

"You've been doing this for five years?" John blanched slightly at the thought of being in the industry for that long.

"No. I've known him for five years. I've been doing this for three." John fought the urge to physically react. Sherlock was so young, he must have been barely eighteen when he started. "I'm not as young as I look John." At John's confused expression, Sherlock winked, placing his hands on John's hips and pulling the shorter man closer. "Everyone always reacts the same when they find out how long I have been filming." John fought every fiber of his being to not pull Sherlock down and snog his brains out. "Just try to contain yourself for another few minutes Captain Watson." Sherlock's voice got dark and he leaned down, his lips brushing against John's ear as he spoke. "I guarantee you it will be worth the wait." John felt his knees get weak and he whimpered.

"Jesus fuck-"

"Not quite Captain." John giggled, swatting Sherlock lightly on the arm. He was still lightheaded from Sherlock's words. "I think they're ready for us."

"About fucking time." They hesitated before breaking down into a fit of giggles. This was going to be interesting.

Filming with Sherlock Holmes turned out to be one of the greatest things John had ever done. The chemistry between them was electric, and the directors only called for a re-shoot on two of the shots. John really didn't mind re-doing the scenes either, seeing as it only meant he got to be with Sherlock longer.

They had a natural dynamic, John easily slipping into a slightly less dominant role. It should have felt off, seeing as how he always was the dom when filming, but with Sherlock, it felt right.

Sherlock had a natural grace that showed through even while filming. John was sure he had never seen someone look as gorgeous as Sherlock did while giving head. What made it harder to fathom was just how good the pale man was at it. John had to stop him twice to prevent finishing too early.

It was an all-day shoot, and by the end of it, John was exhausted.

He was changing back into his street clothes when he caught sight of Sherlock in the mirror behind him. He quickly did up his trousers, blushing deeply and grabbing for his shirt.

"Really John? You're choosing now to become shy?" He glared at Sherlock, pulling his shirt on. "I literally came all over your chest less than twenty minutes ago, I'm fairly certain we can bypass any pesky shyness." Sherlock was leaning against the door frame, dressed in an expensive looking suit that had been tailored to fit him perfectly. His curls had been styled and other than the rather impressive bruise peaking out from the collar, there was no sign of his previous activities.

He looked flawless.

"Sorry, I'm just not comfortable with people watching me change."

"But you're okay with them watching you-"

"I get it! What's up?" Sherlock smirked, stepping closer to John and brushing something off his shoulder.

"I just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed filming with you today." His voice was soft and sincere as he brushed his fingers along John's cheekbone.

"I enjoyed it too." John couldn't seem to speak any louder than a whisper, getting lost in the eyes of the taller man. Sherlock smiled and leaned down, capturing John's lips in a gentle kiss.

"I have a feeling we will be doing this again very soon, Captain Watson." Sherlock pulled away, sauntering out of the room without so much as a glance behind him.

John hoped he was right. 

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