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The door slid away to reveal a holograph of the AI lion standing there with two security droids on either side of him.

They all froze.

"Welcome back aboard David Kel. I'm here to escort your guests to the chambers, where they will be staying for the duration of their time on the ship"

Mike straightened his back and said, "That won't be necessary. I will see to their procurement myself. Please turn yourself off for the time being."

"Sir, that is not the protocol."

"I am well aware of that. Please, turn yourself off."

"Sir, you have been acting strange ever since your injury. I am worried about your mental state."

Michael realized it was not going to be as easy to turn this thing off this time. He closed his eyes, and thought for a second. "I've witnessed the death of millions of people when two planets collided. I believe it is perfectly reasonable for me to be a bit shaken up."

A light played through the lion. "My system tells me you are lying, even though I know you did indeed witness the said atrocity... Sir, it appears that you are in denial. Please recount the events of said tragedy."

Michael was bewildered. "I...I, wait why?"

"It is as I feared. Not accepting and dealing with the past can put you in a rather dangerous mental state."

Mike started to get what the AI was getting at. "I assure you that I am quite mentally sound and in my right mind."

"Are you? In normal circumstances, telling anyone about the existence of me and this ship is a grave infringement, much less bringing them on board. I understand the direness of the situation, and therefore your actions may be excusable, but you intended to give your guests full access to the ship. Did you not, sir?"


More lights flickered in the hologram. "Your actions are not consistent with your personality, sir. I'm sorry, but I'm enacting protocol fifty-one. As of now you are under house arrest. I'll contact your fellow commanders and let them decide what to do about your mental state. Until their reply, you and your guests will be confined to your quarters."

Daniel's eyes grew wide. "Oh. That's not good."

Michael, realizing this conversation was not going to get any better, shouted, "Run!"

However, before any of them could even move a muscle, the gravity in the ship came on, slamming them to the ground, then increased, pinning them.

The security droids walked through the lion and took hold of their arms.

The gravity lessened, and the droids hauled them to their feet, then started to take the guys one way, and the two girls another.

Daniel flailed against the droids desperately reaching for Catherine. Their eyes met, and tears welled up in Daniel's eyes. "I'm sorry."

The droids yanked him harder.

Anger grew in Michael, and with all the authority he could muster, he shouted, "Stop this at once!"

The droids stopped moving, and the holographic lion said, "I am sorry sir, but you have shown signs of, and have admitted to, great mental trauma. Therefore you must be confined until your brotheren are able to determine if you are fit for duty."

"What you are suggesting is a death sentence, and neither I nor my guests deserve that!"


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