Chapter 2

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In your math class you helped sans catch up to the chapter your class was on. He'd make a bad joke, and he'd flirt with you, hed make you giggle as you helped him. The bell rang signaling that class ended and lunch was starting.

Picking up your things you walke out of the room with sans you boyfriend leaning against the wall waiting for you

"There you are princess" he smiled you stopped you demeanor changing quickly. You looked down at your books in your hands

"Hey..(y/n) who's that guy?" Sans asked you, you didn't answer to scared to speak. Your boyfriend wrapped his arm aroun your shoulder

"Come on babe.." He glared at sans pullin you away

You looked back to sans "uh..sans come on this way is the lunch room"

He followed you sitting on the floor with your friends. You boyfriend left to go sit with his team.

"Who the hell is that guy..." Sans said leaning over to your best friend (b/f/n)

"That's Garrett. (Y/n)'s boyfriend. He's the schools star quarterback. He thinks he's entitled to whatever he wants."

Sans sighed as he ate his food thinking about what your friend has said and how you had changed when your boyfriend showed up. Putting two and two together he realized what was going on, even if he couldnt prove anything just yet he glanced at you worriedly

Lunch soon ended and you gathered your things and waited for sans so you two could head to your next class


This took you by suprise. Sans had never called you by your first name. It was always dollface.

"Is everything ok? You know with you and what's-his-face?" Sans asked as the two of you walked to your next class

"Yeah..why? Everything's fine" the grip on your books tightened when he asked you this.

He shook his head taking his seat "I guess it's nothing. Your attitude seems to change whenever he's around or someone brings him up but maybe I'm just miss reading you"

You glared trying not to snap at him for his comment, even if he was right. Garrett was an asshole and the whole school knew it. The whole school knew he hurt you but no one did or said anything about it.

"Maybe you are. I don't really see what your talking about" you said a little more harshly then you intended.

Sans glared back "look I know
I've only known you for a few hours but it's obvious that something's up. Of you don't want to talk about it then fine. We don't have to talk about it."

You sighed looking to him to apologize for what you said but as you opened your mouth the bell rang and your teacher started the lesson.

The rest of the day sans didn't say much to you unless it had something to do with school. No flirting. No jokes. No bad puns. And no calling you dollface. You felt horrible for what you said but you didn't know when to apologize.

You had a student government that started in your last class of the day and went longer then it was suppose to. Even if you were the was of student government your could barely pay attention. You couldn't help but think about what you said to Sans. But you were pretty sure he already went home.

About an hour after school ended your meeting ended. You were the last one to leave, as you walked out the door you noticed sans staing against the opposite wall waiting.

"Sans..? What are you doing here?" You held your book close to your chest as the door shut behind you. Taking a deep breath you looked up at him "sans-"

"Look..about what I said earlier. It was way out of line and I shouldn't have tried to get all up in your business. I know you'd talk to me when your ready to talk about it." He smiled a little shoving his hands in his pockets
"So..we cool?"

You smiled back "yeah..we cool" you giggled trying to imitate his voice, but it didn't go so well

He laughed turning around and started to walk away, but he stopped for a moment and looked over his should at you

"See you tomorrow dollface".

Save Me (human! UF! sans x abused! reader)Where stories live. Discover now